Connecting Switches
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The Switches long lever with three electrical terminals can be wired as normally open (electricity flows only when switch pressed) can be wired as normally closed (electricity stops flowing when switch pressed) used with 0.183 inch quick disconnect terminals
We will use this configuration for our wiring. When the switch is not pressed, electricity can pass through the normally closed (NC) path. When the switch is pressed, electricity can pass through the normally open (NO) path. We will use this configuration for our wiring.
Strip Insulation off Ends of Wires Clamp down on the 22-gage wire hole about ¼-inch from the end of the wire. The pliers will cut through the insulation. Hold the wire with your hand, and then pull the pliers toward the end of the wire. too much too little just right
Crimp the Connector onto the Stripped Part of the Wire Clamping down hard will bend the terminal so that the wire becomes trapped and won’t pull out. This can be a little tricky … you will get better with practice.
Slide Wires onto Correct Terminals Note: This may be difficult. You may need to use your needle nose pliers to help press the terminals onto the switches.