Burwell Village College Primary School New Reception Evening 13th June 2016
Reception Intake September 2016 Aims of the night: Meet the Class Teachers Overview of the induction process Visit the Classrooms
Introductions Teachers Marie Weaver-Smith & Kirsty Walker Deputy Rowena Watts Teaching Assistants Office staff Karen Taylor Special Educational Needs Alison Edwards Chair of Governors Davyd Andrew Various Governors
Beth Brunton Friends Lucy Nower School Nurse Mary Barnes Children’s Centre Andy Blake Edwards & Blake Caterers Sally Garfitt Willows out of school club Andrea & Caroline Wraparound Club Paul Martell School Trends Uniform
Do you remember your first day at school? What advice can I give? Big Adventure (but don’t let our anxieties get in the way) Be Prepared Talk to us Name your child’s clothes
A Big Adventure
Be Prepared
The Foundation Stage Curriculum Physical Development Social & Emotional Development Communication & Language Literacy (Cambugs) Mathematics Understanding of the World Expressive Arts & Design
The Foundation Stage Curriculum www.cambugs.co.uk
Working in Partnership Home Visits Pre-School Visits in July Burwell Family Projects events Induction in September Parents’ meeting in mid September
Working in Partnership Tapestry Online Learning Journey
Preparing your child Being prepared Booklets First day routines Dressing Toileting Food / packed lunch Booklets All about me… bring back in September Our day in Reception First day routines Arrival, lining up Collection
The pack Class List School Visit dates for summer term Induction time table for September Admission Form (address etc) Yellow Pre School lunch booking form Yellow Our day in Reception booklet Yellow Milk order form Cambugs information sheet https://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=207966794764246712530.0004db92a99f04b7f83d3&msa=0&ie=UTF8&ll=52.27915,0.327168&spn=0.001244,0.004117&t=h&source=embed
On line for 2016 Prospectus Term dates Free School Meals (Pupil Premium) form Uniform order form and information Application for leave of absence School Food Plan
Rest of evening….. Collect & sign for pack (A-H) (I-P) (Q- Z) Harvest Festival – collect seeds Visit classroom Talk to other professionals Talk to Class Teachers and / or SENCo Talk to staff until 8pm