CAWG UDF Team Equipment Adapted for CAWG from the National Emergency Services Curriculum Project
Uniform Special rules in CAWG (CAWG 39-1) Four acceptable uniforms: CAWG Ground Team Uniform (orange shirt) Polo Shirt/Grey Slacks Blue Field Uniform (Blue BDUs) Woodland BDUs (cadets ONLY) Orange safety vest required with all but GT Uniform Remember that we are the non-combatant auxilliary of the USAF doing a mission in the public’s eyes
Minimum Equipment Required for trainees and fully-qualified: Complete Uniform Notepad & Pencil (pen) CAP paperwork (101, First Aid, F60) Watch Handkerchief/Tissues Reflective Vest Comb/Brush (if needed) Ground & UDF Team Task Guide (NESA site) Cellular phone (or calling card/change)
Minimum Equipment Required for fully-qualified: Flashlight (with red or blue lens) with spare bulb and batteries Compass, orienteering (preferred) or lensatic Protractor Map Case (eg. large zip-top bag) Alcohol Pens (2 colors) & eraser (eg. alcohol wipes) Straight edge ruler (6”+) Meal or funds to acquire meal
Team Equipment The following items are suggested team equipment, and local OIs may dictate more stringent requirements VHF-FM Radio(s) Signal Panels Bloodborne Pathogens Kit E-Tool Maps & Case(s) CAP Forms, Manuals... Camera GPS Electronic Direction Finder Team First Aid Kit Barrier Tape Spotlight TASK O-0001 OIs are Operating Instructions
Equipment Readiness Following a mission, personnel can easily forget to make sure that equipment is ready to go for the next mission, which can leave teams unprepared when the time comes. Being prepared to go at a moment’s notice is the name of the game. You may be alerted for another mission within hours of completing one -- it happens! O-0002
Common Problems Personnel carry too much stuff Pack realistically, not for a war There are often multiple uses for one tool or item Personnel carrying equipment that they are not qualified to use Just because something looks cool, doesn’t mean you need it Carry what you will probably need for the mission
Common Problems Continued Make sure you gear is secured that you are carrying Lost equipment does you no good! To prevent having problems forgetting items- use a check list for equipment