Department of ECE A project Report on Eye Gaze Based Smart Car Security System with GPS&GSM Presented by B.TRINADH K.BHAVYA P.RAMA KRISHNA P.PRIYANKA B.PRUDHVI RAJ Under the guidance of Mr.B.NAGARJUN SINGH
ABSTRACT The aim of this project is provide the security. In background we are using IR. Now we are using GPS&GSM By using this we can receive the messages and also find out the location.
CONTENT Abstract Introduction Block Diagram Hardware tools Software Requirements Features Applications Advantages Disadvantages Future scope
INTRODUCTION Visual attention for avoid accidents. Alerting system when driver is overly distracted. High precision eye tracking. 83% of accuracy.
BLOCK DIAGRAM LCD GSM LPC2148 Relay for GPS&GSM PC Mat lab port GPS . GSM LPC2148 Microcontroller LCD Relay for GPS&GSM PC Mat lab port GPS
HARDWARE TOOLS Microcontroller LPC2148 LCD Display GPS GSM Power supply Relay Pc
SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Keil software Mat lab port
LPC2148 MICRO CONTROLLER LCD Display: Flat panel display. It is developed by Dishant Shah. One of the important Microcontroller in ARM7. System on a chip. RISC LPC2148 is manufactured by philips. LCD Display: Flat panel display. Used in light modulating properties. Wide range applications.
GPS Provide Geo location It can also provide critical positioning capabilities . GSM It is a digital mobile telephony system. Sends the information to user. It is having the range is 900MHz or 1800MHz
RELAY It is also acts as a switch. In this having three ports, i.e, NC,NO&C It is used for saturation. MATLAB PORT For identify the colours,eye retina and particular object. PC For install the mat lab coding.
architecture A - Advanced R - RISC M - Machine 7 - Series ARM7TDMI A - Advanced R - RISC M - Machine 7 - Series T - Thumb mode D - Debugger M - Enhance Multiplier I - Embedded IC
FEATURES It is 16-bit microcontroller. Speed is 60Mhz RISC Multiple serial interfaces including UARTs Up to 21 external interrupt pins available.
Applications Mainly it is used in vehicles.
Advantages Avoid accidents Giving security Should maintain the responsibility Low cost Effectively
Disadvantages GSM module camera should be perfectly
FUTURE SCOPE Direct Navigation System
CONCLUSION The goal of the system is to detect eye gaze direction and head pose direction to detect if eyes off the road. Another goal is to detect drowsiness condition of driver and alert driver in both conditions. Real time eye gaze tracking is proposed with CAMSHIFT algorithm. Pupil tracking is achieved Head pose estimation is proposed with AAM and POSIT. Different gaze zones are defined and eyes off the road can be detected by combining eye gaze and head position.