A person’s pattern of thinking, feeling and acting. Personality A person’s pattern of thinking, feeling and acting.
Types of Personalities Type A Type B Feel time pressure. Easily angered. Competitive and ambitious. Work hard and play hard. More prone to heart disease than rest of population. Relaxed and easygoing. But some people fit in neither type.
Our Personality: Sigmund Freud Conscious- things we are aware of. Preconscious- things we can be aware of if we think of them. Unconscious- deep hidden reservoir that holds the true “us”. All of our desires and fears.
Freud’s Concept of Personality (Psyche) Ego Superego Id
Id Exists entirely in the unconscious (so we are never aware of it). Does what it wants and doesn’t think of consequences Works on the Pleasure Principle Seeking to increase pleasure and decrease pain -Example of going to see grandparents in old age home but you forgot that you told your friend you’d go swimming instead -ID please, go swimming you’ll have fun -SUPEREGO Grandparents are getting old it may be the last time you see them, you can go swimming anytime EGO Decides
Superego Develops last at about the age of 5 It is our conscience or moral center of the mind (what we think the difference is between right and wrong)
The ID and SUPEREGO are always fighting so we have the EGO which acts as the mediator between the 2 parts of our personality
Ego If you want something your id says just take it, but your ego does not want to end up in jail. Works on the Reality Principle you are taking these unconscious drives and interpreting them and making those into real actions In our conscious minds. It is what everyone sees as our personality.
Example You’re parents want you to visit your grandpa in the old age home as he is sick and feeling lonely. However, you already made plans to go paint balling with your friend on the same day. What should you do? ID Pleasure principle, Just do it! SUPEREGO weighs the pros and cons of the situation - angel vs. devil) , conscience EGO Mediates between ID and EGO and makes a final decision!
Group Work: Example 1 You're on a diet and there's a piece of luscious chocolate cake on the counter. What would the ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO say? Split into 3 groups. Someone is the person, ID, SUPEREEGO. You listen to the reasoning of id and superego and decide on what is logical to do.
EXAMPLE 1 The ID says, "go ahead, it's just one piece! Enjoy it!" Cakes are going to make you feel good so eat the entire thing! SUPEREGO says, "You know you don't really want to. It would reverse all the good work you've done so far and you'd feel so guilty if you ate it." Logic, moral part of the brain EGO is left to sort it out, determine logically how important it is to you to stay on your diet vs. the piece of cake.
EXAMPLE 2 You are at a party and having a great time with all your friends but your parents have told you that you must be home at midnight. It is now 11:30 and you know you should head home but you still want to stay at the party. What would your ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO say?
EXAMPLE 2 ID: “Just stay the music is great, you’re having so much fun practising your dance moves!” SUPEREGO: “You know you’re parents are really concerned and if you don’t get home on time you’re going to be punished” EGO: is left to sort it out, determine logically how important it is to you to stay at the party vs. the repercussions of your decision which may lead to punishment
EXAMPLE 3: You have a girlfriend/boyfriend. You know that she/he doesn’t like when you are alone with a friend of the opposite gender. You were invited to go to the ROM with a friend of the opposite sex. You are excited because you know your significant other would never want to go to a museum. Should you go? What would your ID, EGO, and SUPEREGO say?
Defense Mechanisms The ego has a pretty important job…and that is to protect you from threatening thoughts in our unconscious. One way it protects us is through defense mechanisms. You are usually unaware that they are even occurring.
What defense mechanisms do you use to deal with stressful or unfair situations?
Scenario Quarterback of the high school football team, Brandon, is dating Jasmine. Jasmine dumps Brandon and starts dating Joe, president of the chess club.
Defense Mechanism Repression Denial Displacement Projection Reaction formation Regression Rationalization Sublimation
Repression Pushing thoughts into our unconscious. When asked about Jasmine, Brandon may say “Who?, I have not thought about her for awhile.”
Denial Refusing to recognize or acknowledge something painful Brandon may act like he is still together with Jasmine. He may hang out by her locker and plan dates with her.
Displacement Redirecting one’s feelings toward another person, situation, or object. Often displaced on less threatening things. Brandon may take his anger on another kid by bullying.
Projection Believing that the feelings one has toward someone else are actually held by the other person and directed at oneself. Brandon insists that Jasmine still cares for him.
Reaction Formation Expressing the opposite of how one truly feels. Cootie stage in Brandon claims he hates Jasmine and doesn’t even know why he dated her in the first place. Besides, she wasn’t even pretty or smart!
Regression Returning to an earlier, comforting form of behavior. Brandon begins to sleep with his favorite childhood stuffed animal.
Rationalization Coming up with a beneficial result of an undesirable outcome. Brandon thinks he will find a better girlfriend. “Jasmine was not for me anyway!” Besides, she wasn’t even smart or pretty!
Sublimation Channeling one’s frustration toward a different goal. Sometimes a healthy defense mechanism. Brandon starts to learn how to play the guitar and writing songs (or maybe starts to body build).
Big Five Personality Traits 1.Openness (sometimes called intellect or imagination) – This measures your level of creativity, and your desire for knowledge and new experiences. Those high in this trait also tend to have a broad range of interests. Big bang Theory (Sheldon) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0xgjUhEG3U Sheldon is high in openness. Desires knowledge and he made an algorithm for friendship. Talked about wanting to learn about rock climbing showing that he is open to new experiences.
2. Conscientiousness – This looks at the level of care you take in your life and work. If you score high in conscientiousness, you're organized and thorough, and you know how to make plans and follow them through. If you score low, you're likely to be lax and disorganized. Uncle Buck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghQOllvR2cE Low in conscientiousness. He is disorganized, and forgets his nieces name so he doens’t pay attention to details. He is careless
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HNd3qz68Zw 3. Extraversion/Introversion – This dimension measures your level of sociability. Are you outgoing (extrovert) or quiet (introvert)? Do you draw energy from a crowd (extrovert), or do you find it difficult to work and be around others (introvert)? Ferris Bueller’s Day Off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HNd3qz68Zw Extrovert – loud and outgoing. His friends are embarrassed and want him to be quiet. (they skip the day and he does convince the man to give him a table)
Forest Gump (Analyze Jenny) 4. Agreeableness – This dimension looks at your level of friendliness and kindness to others. This personality dimension includes attributes such as trust, altruism, kindness, affection, and other prosocial behaviors. Forest Gump (Analyze Jenny) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvKzyYy6qvY Jenny- high in agreeableness. She talks to Forest Gump and lets him sit beside her. Altruism (she helps him read and he helps her climb) C3PO – High in neuroticism. He has emotional instability and is always worried (high anxiety). Moody, easily upset
5. Neuroticism– This measures your level of emotions 5. Neuroticism– This measures your level of emotions. Individuals high in this trait tend to experience emotional instability, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, and sadness. Star Wars (C3PO) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LayytCn7jno C3PO – High in neuroticism. He has emotional instability and is always worried (high anxiety). Moody, easily upset
Birth Order and Personality FIRST BORN Personality • are responsible, reliable, and well-organized • are perfectionists and critical • tend to be high achievers and natural leaders Careers • tend to go into fields that require higher education (e.g., medicine, law, engineering)
Middle Born Personality • are compromising and diplomatic and avoid conflict • are loyal and have many friends • often feel forgotten so they are mavericks and secretive Careers • tend to like jobs that use their great mediating skills (e.g., law enforcement, nursing, firefighting)
Last Born Personality: • are attention-seeking • are manipulative and charming • are precocious • love people and are engaging and affectionate • love surprises Career: • tend to like outdoor and artistic professions (e.g., journalism, art design, sales, athletics)
Only Child Personality: • are comfortable with those older or younger than themselves • are thorough and self-motivated • are high achievers who can't bear failure Career: • tend to go into fields that require higher education (e.g., medicine, law, engineering)
Do you agree with the personality stated for your birth order?
How does culture affect your personality? Examples? I’m Italian. Italians talk with their hands and are loud!
Find out your personality. http://www. gotoquiz