City of Laredo Health Department Mosquito Management
Mosquito Prevention YOUR Roles DEFEND yourself from mosquitoes The City’s Roles YOUR Roles Surveillance Control DEFEND yourself from mosquitoes DRAIN standing water DRESS in long, loose, and light-colored clothing outside Dawn, Dusk, Daylight There are both government and citizen roles to preventing mosquito-borne diseases.
City Roles Surveillance Traps collect mosquitoes TXDSHS lab identifies mosquitoes and tests them for diseases City then knows: IF there are dangerous mosquitoes WHERE the dangerous mosquitoes are Knowing these things can help the city focus control measures Gravid Trap: Good for WNV-carrying mosquitoes BG Sentinel Trap: Good for dengue and Zika-carrying mosquitoes
City Roles (cont’d) Control Minnows Larvicide (can buy for home use) Put in permanent stagnant water bodies to eat mosquito larvae Much Cheaper than spraying More Effective than spraying Larvicide (can buy for home use) Put in water to kill mosquito larvae Can be difficult to find all water sources Adulticide (aka spraying) Expensive Less effective The insecticide has to touch a mosquito to kill it These images are examples of larvicide products. CLHD does not recommend or endorse any specific type of product. Before using any product, consumers should always read and follow label instructions.
City Roles (cont’d) Click the video to see handheld spraying for adult mosquitoes:
YOUR Roles DEFEND yourself from mosquitoes by using insect repellant that contains: DEET, Picaridin, or Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus To find a repellant that is right for you: These images are examples of larvicide products. CLHD does not recommend or endorse any specific type of product. Before using any product, consumers should always read and follow label instructions.
YOUR Roles (cont’d) DRAIN standing water around your home and neighborhood and Zika Mosquito larvae can be in containers inside homes, too.
YOUR Roles (cont’d) DRESS in long, loose, and light-colored clothing outside Mosquitoes look for exposed skin and are more attracted to dark colored clothing. You can decrease exposure by wearing long sleeves and pants light in color. Never put mosquito repellent under clothing.
YOUR Roles (cont’d) Dawn, Dusk, Daylight YOUR Roles (cont’d) Dawn, Dusk, Daylight Mosquitoes that carry West Nile virus are more active at dawn and dusk. Mosquitoes that carry dengue, Chikungunya, and Zika viruses are more active during the day, but are out during dawn and dusk. It is important to wear mosquito repellent all day during mosquito season and reapply per label instructions. Make sure window screens and screen doors are in good repair to keep mosquitoes from coming inside
YOUR Roles (cont’d) The BEST ways to prevent mosquito bites and the diseases they carry are: DRAIN standing water AND DEFEND yourself