Organization Behavior Dosen Pembina: Prof. Dr. Umi Narimawati, Dra., SE., M.Si. Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Komputer Indonesia Bandung 2012
1. Introduction: Study of the organization Organization Behavior Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Komputer Indonesia Bandung 2012
Pengertian Organisasi Entities that enable society to pursue accomplishments that can’t be achieved by individuals acting alone Source : Gibson
Organizational Behavior The field of study investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organization for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness Source : Stephen P. Robbins
Structure and processes affect organizational behavior and the emergent culture Blueprint that indicates how people and jobs are grouped together in an organization. Structure is illustrated by an organization chart Processes Activities that breathe life into organization structure. Common processes are communication, decision making, socialization, and career development Source : Gibson
Organisasi sebagai suatu sistem The relationships among individuals and groups in organizations create expectation for individuals behavior Source : Gibson
Toward an OB Discipline
policies and practices Human Resource policies and practices Organizational culture Organization structure and design Work design Change and Stress ORGANIZATION SYSTEM LEVEL Group making Leadership Communication Group structure Work teams Other groups Conflict Power and politics Biographical characteristic GROUP LEVEL Personality Perception Individual decision making Values and attitudes Motivation Individual learning Human Input Ability INDIVIDUAL LEVEL
Interpersonal Influence 1. PERILAKU Individual Groups and Interpersonal Influence Individual Characteristics Individual Motivation Reward and Appraisal Groups Behavior Intergroup Behavior and Conflict Power and Politics Leadership
Individual Reward and Appraisal Individual performance is the foundation of organizational performance. Understanding individual behavior is, therefore, critical for effective management Individual Motivation Motivation and ability to work interact to determine performance. Motivation theory attempts to explain and predict how individuals’ behavior is aroused,, sustained and stopped Reward and Appraisal One of the most powerful influences on individual performance is an organization’s reward system. Management can use rewards to increase present employees’ performance.
2. STRUKTUR An organization’s structure is the formal pattern of activities and interrelationship among the various subunits of the organization JOB DESIGN job design refers to the process by which managers specify the contents, methods and relationships of jobs to satisfy both organizational and individual requirements ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN Organization design refers to the overall organizational structure Source : Gibson
3. PROSES COMMUNICATION DECISION MAKING Organizational survival is related to management’s ability to receive, transmit, and act on information DECISION MAKING The quality of decision making in an organization depends on selecting proper goals and identifying means for achieving them. With good integration of behavioral and structural factors, management can increase the probability that high-quality decision are made Source : Gibson