Design and Technology Course Outline Design and Technology PGCE


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Presentation transcript:

Design and Technology Course Outline Design and Technology PGCE Course divided into 6 sessions as follows Taster course to enthuse you about D and T Often find some children who are failing in other subjects can succeed in D and T Design and Technology PGCE

Overview Five Sessions: What is Design and Technology? Structures Mechanisms Movement and Control Electronic Control Textiles 1 Educational invention, presume some of you will have studied it as a subject at school but not all of you, this session looks into what D and T is and how it is represented in the National Curriculum 2 dimensional movement looks at levers and linkages and simple 2D motion – will make some simple examples of 2D motion 3D movement looks more at vehicles axles and wheels pulleys etc Control techniques looks at ways of controlling simple mechanisms – force – light – computer Textiles involves looking at the production of textiles and the way this influences their properties – it also looks at what you can do with textiles Food technology looks at different ingredients and their properties and how we combine these to create end products Design and Technology PGCE

Historical Perspective First National Curriculum document Contributing subject areas Work with wood and metal Food and textile work Science Art and Design D & T Officially became a recognised subject in the 1988 Education act – First published National Curriculum for Design and Technology was in 1990 – not widely appreciated – it was generally thought of as difficult to access and difficult to understand . The 1995 document – Design and Technology in the National Curriculum generally clearer and more manageable – better received – schools were able to translate this into schemes of work to give breadth and balance in a reasonable time scale DATA a National body for D and T played a major role in the development of the curriculum area and the introduction of the QCA schemes of work in 1998 were well received by many schools Contributing subject areas mainly as shown but obvious overlap with IT and also links with most of the other subjects Contributing subject areas domestic science, sewing , woodwork, metal work art and design, technical drawing Design and Technology PGCE

The Importance of Design and Technology Design and technology prepares pupils to participate in tomorrow’s rapidly changing technologies. They learn to think and intervene creatively to improve quality of life. The subject calls for pupils to become autonomous and creative problem solvers, as individuals and members of a team. They must look for needs, wants and opportunities and respond to them by developing a range of ideas and making products and systems. (DfEE/QCA, 1999) This quote comes from the National Curriculum document it is the introduction to the programmes of study the whole quote is useful to give an indication of the importance of D and T not just as a subject area but as a part of life – problem solving is one of the most fundamental parts of life skills – also looks at social skills and the ability to work with others co operatively Necessity is the mother of invention Design and Technology PGCE

The Design and Technology Manifesto Design and Technology education is unique because students: look to the future and are creative and innovative design and make products and services, using a variety of materials, that work well and look good make design decisions that matter to the users of the products and services and to the wider world draw on a wide range of knowledge to solve problems in relevant, real life contexts develop an enterprising attitude and take risks see opportunities and make things happen. Design and Technology Foundation Course

The nature of Design and Technology Design and Technology is about making things that people want that work well. Creating these things is hugely exciting: it is an inventive, fun activity. James Dyson, Chairman, Dyson Ltd Design and Technology Activities involve Open-ended tasks Problem Solving Decision making Design and Technology PGCE

Stages involved Identifying needs or problems encountered in life Responding to these by developing a range of ideas and possible solutions Making products and systems using practical skills Evaluating their own designs using their knowledge of wider technological innovations The design process mainly consists of these 4 stages and this is what the National Curriculum focuses on Design and Technology PGCE

The Design Process The Williams and Jinks design line The DES design loop The APU model Problem/ Need Making Evaluate First ideas Research Chosen idea There are several models available which look at this design process – one of the most well known being the Williams and Jinks model. Williams and jinks were instrumental in the development of the subject and came up with the concept of the design line which identified several areas in the form of a process until you got to the end and then fed back to the start or to the research development area or you abandoned the idea altogether The DES loop is similar but focuses slightly more on the process skills- all have similar characteristics Investigating and exploring the design context Identifying needs Clarifying implications of design task Specifying criteria so outcome can be judged Carrying out research Generating ideas for a product Modelling ideas Planning the making of the product Organising the resources Making the product Testing the product Improving the product Evaluating aspects of the process and product as the work proceeds Evaluating the final product against the criteria Assessment of Performance Unit (APU) was different in that it looked at the interaction between thought and action or ‘head and hand’ constant to-ing and fro-ing between thinking and doing I have simplified completely the process just to give you an idea of the processes involved Organising resources Design and Technology PGCE

Design and Technology PGCE

Design and Technology PGCE

Design and Technology PGCE

Structures Year 1 Homes Playgrounds Year 2 Winding up Year 3 Packaging Photo frames Year 6 Shelters

Task 1 Make a bridge! Design and Technology PGCE Activity 1 – need first to make the frame as a FPT Use wood and card triangles to make frame Card triangles use ruler to make squares then create triangles from these Then using lynx jointers put frame together using card triangles to strengthen it Work in groups of about three Will take photo of the finished product with a digital camera Design and Technology PGCE


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Early Years Creative play in a stimulating environment Experience with materials to investigate properties and make choices Low risk therefore useful for problem solving Learning through the senses using first hand experience Building on previous experience to learn new ideas The foundation stage document very definite about the importance of play It provides the basis for all learning and the safe environment to learn – is especially important in D and T which is a practical subject and involves the need to be able to handle a variety of materials Can learn such a lot about their properties through play – even adults need it Constructive play is important and should not be restricted to solely the reception classroom – children do need a certain amount of freedom to experiment Low risk so not much to lose Concept development may need adult intervention at appropriate times to promote learning ‘Children do not make a distinction between ‘play’ and ‘work’ and neither should practitioners’. (QCA,2000) Design and Technology PGCE

Foundation Stage Curriculum Areas of Learning Knowledge and understanding of the world: Exploration Observation Problem solving Critical thinking Decision making Discussion Creative Development: Exploring materials Taken from the Early years document – looking at the areas relevant to D and T. Mostly included in the Knowledge and understanding of the world which leads on to the Science curriculum area for KS1 Other areas are included like the creative development section which mainly leads on to the Art curriculum area. All the areas of learning listed directly relate to D and T and the whole Design and Make exercise. Design and Technology PGCE

National Curriculum Programmes of Study Knowledge, skills and understanding Details what should be taught to pupils at their appropriate Key Stages. Breadth of study The range of activities through which the knowledge, skills and understanding can be taught. Attainment Targets The expected standard of pupils performance at the end of each key stage. The National Curriculum is divided into 2 distinct parts – the Programmes of Study and the Attainment Targets – this is common for all subjects and is the entitlement of all pupils The Programmes of Study are outlined in two parts – the Knowledge, skills and understanding which is really what the pupils should be taught or experience in school and the breadth of study which is really the way they can be taught these things- it talks about the experiences children should have and the things they shoul do to learn the ‘big ideas’ and the facts associated with the subject The attainment targets are the expected standards of pupils at the end of each Key Stage – we deal with levels1 – 5 in the Primary Stage although the average level is 2 at the end of KS! And 4 at the end of KS2 – They are at the end of the National Curriculum document Design and Technology Foundation Course

Knowledge, skills and understanding Design and Technology in the National Curriculum: Developing, planning and communicating ideas Working with tools, equipment, materials and components to make quality products Evaluating processes and products Knowledge and understanding of materials and components Knowledge, skills and understanding section looks at the elements involved in the design and make process we have looked at before and also looks at the knowledge and understanding of materials and component parts used in th design and make process Design and Technology PGCE

Breadth of study Knowledge, skills and understanding through: Investigation, disassembly and evaluation of a range of familiar products (IDEAs) Focused practical tasks (FPTs) Design and make assignments (DMAs) The Breadth of Study is broken up into three parts which are important to be aware of and know the diffference between The IDEAS part looks at products that are already there – for example look at a range of structures like tables that we did earlier, also disassembly – taking things apart and looking at their component parts FPT’s are structured exercises to enable the children to become more skilled in their practical capabilities i.e. joining things as we did to make a frame DMA are the whole process DaTA argues that the three types of activity should be interrelated with the IDEAs and FPTs supporting and enriching the DMAs IDEAs and FPTs involve and ensure focused teaching within a Design and Make task Design and Technology PGCE

Investigating and Evaluating Investigating and evaluating helps to develop an awareness of the designed world with technical, economic, aesthetic, environmental, moral criteria considered (DfEE, 1996) A knowledge of products and applications designed by others will help children to – increase their skills, knowledge and understanding to enable them to do design and make activities – also lead to an increased understanding and critical awareness of the world we live in Design and Technology PGCE

Investigative, disassembly and evaluative activities These are often used as a starting point A study of products and their applications The quality of designed products Value judgements i.e. do you like it? The safety of designed products The fitness for purpose The role of IDEAS is not always appreciated but it is a good starting point and also important to look at criteria – what you want in a product Design and Technology PGCE

Focused Practical Tasks Develop a range of : Techniques Skills Processes Knowledge Design and Technology PGCE

Design and Make Assignments A ‘holistic’ process Design and Make assignments are central to the children’s development in the curriculum area. The focused practical tasks and the investigative, disassembly and evaluative activities are generally seen to have a supporting and enriching role to the design and make activities. The whole process Need to do these but not in isolation – should be supported by the IDEA’s and the FPT’s Go from identifying needs or problem solving to making the product and then to evaluating it’s success against the original criteria Design and Technology PGCE

Task 2 Develop some IDEAs, FPTs and DMAs related to the practical activity you have just worked on Do this as a group activity on a large sheet of paper IDEAs – Investigating, taking apart and looking at how successful items are FPT – specific activity designed to teach a skill or knowledge DMA- a whole activity with needs or problem solving, designing, making, evaluating EXAMPLES IDEAs – tables, structures, chairs, dolls furniture, take apart a card structure, ie box FPT – make a rigid structure using construction kits, wood, straws, three little pigs house DMAs – Goldilocks table, chairs, houses, cars Design and Technology PGCE

Drawing as a modelling tool The National Curriculum includes drawing in the Programme of Study Developing, planning and communicating ideas Pupils should be taught to communicate their ideas using a variety of methods, including drawing and making models In the area of Design and Technology it is important that the purpose of drawing is identified. If it is to be used as a tool then it may be changed frequently or adapted and the emphasis should not be on neatness and presentation. ‘ The activity may be extended to create a pattern for the intended product. Next week we will be thinking about pattern making and drawing is a good introduction to making a pattern – it should really be an extension activity. Don’t put the extra stress of neatness onto a child if he or she is using drawing as a tool to develop their ideas. Design and Technology PGCE

Communicating through drawing Different purposes for children’s drawing in Design and Technology may include: Detailed recording of existing designed products A recording of what the child has created A picture of what the child wants to make A sequence of events involved in the activity The design on the end product The materials and tools required A method of modelling ideas to prepare to make something Teachers need to be clear as to what the purpose of asking children to draw is There are many different purposes for children’s drawing and the nature of the drawing should reflect the purpose intended. This is a list of possible purposes – there may be many more but these do tend to be the main ones. Design and Technology PGCE

Types of drawing Sketches Doodles Paintings Cartoon strips Cross sectional drawings Scale drawings Labelled diagrams Computer aided drawings There are many types of drawing - here are just a few. Drawing has a fundamental part in the design of products and must be encouraged. The purpose of the drawing will influence the type of drawing produced. Design and Technology PGCE

Slippers – Year 6

Winding up – Year 1

Joseph’s Coat – Year 2 Design and Technology Foundation Course

Design and Technology Foundation Course

Puppets Year 2 Design and Technology Foundation Course

Design and Technology Foundation Course

Year 5 Design and Technology Foundation Course

Classroom organisation and management Classroom layout Use of specialist rooms Grouping children Availability of resources Storage and display of products Need to think carefully about classroom organisation when you embark on D and T activities as they must be prepared carefully with resources that you know will be used to be prepared and others that may be needed should be accessible Some schools have specialist rooms whilst others have art areas dedicated to practical activities Small groups are ideal – group work may be collaborative or individually within the group Safety as before Adult supervision recommended Design and Technology PGCE

Resources Books Library Resources National Curriculum QCA documentation Journals Websites DATA Books – refer to the book list for your own information – Rob Johnsey book good overview of D and T as a subject Children’s literature is often a useful starting point i.e. The lighthouse keepers lunch is often used as a problem solving exercise as is Old Bear Library resources – D and T section is375.7’s in the main library Children’s resources located near to the Science section on the second floor The National Curriculum Document is essential and the QCA documentation which you can get on line is useful as a guide to the nature of D and T activities Journals give an idea of the latest research in the field – two stocked by the library are The journal of Design and Technology and The International journal ond Design and Technology Other journals give you general updates on latest research and may contain articles about D and T Websites tend to be the most useful and the most accessible DfEE website useful and DATA website good – for examples of children’s work and assessment guidelines Local authority websites can be good – I have had some good stuff from Staffordshire good for progression and Thematic links Design and Technology PGCE

Bibliography Bruce,T (1997) Early Childhood Education Davies,D and Howe,A (2003) Teaching Science and Design and Technology in the Early Years (chapter 2) Harlen,W (2000) The Teaching of Science in Primary Schools Hope,G (2006) Teaching Design and Technology at Key Stages 1 and 2 (Achieving QTS) Johnsey,R (1998) Exploring Primary Design and Technology Design and Technology PGCE