The Parable of the Sower SUNDAY – JULY 16th The Parable of the Sower God, the sower, goes out to sow and scatters seed generously, almost wastefully, everywhere – on the road, among the rocks, among the thorns, on bad soil, and on rich soil. This speaks of God’s infinite riches, love, and patience. The challenge, of course, is to respond to the infinite number of invitations that God scatters on our path from minute to minute. Richard Rohr
THANK YOU! As of July 5th Tom Little officially retired as our Financial Secretary. Tom and Lois will be venturing back to Michigan in the near future. We greatly appreciate Tom’s financial acumen and historical knowledge of FBC as well as his service and dedication to his church family. Please direct any financial questions you may have to the church office.
Our next meeting of Prayer Shawl knitters will be held Wednesday, July 19th, from 1:00 – 3:00. We invite anyone who likes to knit to join us! Please note: we will not be meeting in August or September.
USHERS AND NURSERY WORKERS NEEDED There are sign-up sheets in Cleveland Hall for upcoming weeks when we need ushers and nursery care workers. These volunteer positions are vital to our Sunday morning services. Please sign up during coffee hour or call the church office to volunteer. Thank you!
FRIDAY, JULY 28th @ 5:30
Personal Perspectives on Addiction and Recovery The Addiction Awareness Council [A local citizens’ group consisting of members from Kearsarge Community Presbyterian Church and St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church] presents Personal Perspectives on Addiction and Recovery July 27, 2017 7 PM St. Andrew’s Church 52 Gould Road New London, NH 03257 The public is invited to hear a panel of persons in recovery from addiction, recovery coaches and a NH Drug Court founder in a live interchange aimed at awareness.
SUMMER STUDY What: Women's Devotional Bible Study (Receiving Christ's Hope - Jesus Calling) When: Summer - Tuesdays 8:45 am - 10:00 am BWF Room - 2nd Floor Bring: Your bible and your prayer requests and praises Format: Tandem use of Jesus Calling Devotional Study Guide and scripture; study guide provided weekly
How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! - Psalm 133:1