By: Nicholas R. Gaillard & Samantha G. Ramsey Road to the Civil War By: Nicholas R. Gaillard & Samantha G. Ramsey
Fugitive slave law Took place in 1850 This law means: Slaveholders or their hired agents could seize their runaway slaves in any northern state Slaveholders could go before a judge to make a legal claim
Franklin Pierce Democratic candidate of New Hampshire Was elected over General Winfield Scott His slogan was: “we Polked ‘em in ’44, and we’ll Pierce ‘em in ’52” Couldn’t control the events around him
Kansas-Nebraska act This bill divided the Nebraska territory southern portion named as the territory of Kansas northern portion named as the territory of Nebraska
James Buchanan Inaugurated as president in 1857 to replace Franklin Pierce From Pennsylvania and was also the 15th president Nominated by democrats
Dred Scott Slave who sued for his freedom He believed that if you lived in free land you were a free man He lost the case After this slaves were made to be as property And then they had to return to their slaveholders
Economy fails 1857 the national economy suffered a depression Greater in the north than in the south because southern states depended on agriculture not business in finance Tens of thousands of people were out of work after banks and business’ folded
Lincoln-Douglas Stephen A. Douglas vs. Abraham Lincoln for presidency in 1860 Lincoln challenged Douglas to 7 open-air debates They discussed slavery expansion in the territories Continued on next slide…
Continued… Lincoln didn’t want slavery in the territories to an extent Douglas believed if the majority of the people want slavery, then that’s what should occur
South Carolina Seceded from the union 6 weeks after Lincoln was elected Cause: Lincoln was elected president Knew that Lincoln wasn’t a believer in slavery and that he would try and get rid of it Needed slaves to pick the cotton 6 other states in lower south seceded not long after South Carolina
Abraham Lincoln He was elected president in 1861 Time of the confederacy Won with 40% popular vote Received 59% of the electoral votes His election was a signal to the south that their economy and way of life was in grave danger
Confederacy formed Representatives of the secessionist states met in Alabama and formed the Confederate States of America Each state was to be “sovereign and independent” People had the right to own slaves
Sources! Jordan Winthrop D., Greenblatt Miriam, Bowes John S.. The Americans: A History. Evanston : McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin Inc. , 1996.