American Presidents Polk - Lincoln
James Polk 11th President (1845-49) Democrat Beat Clay 1846 Oregon Territory settled with Britain 1848 Treaty Guadalupe-Hidalgo gains control from Mexico over CA, NM, Arizona, Nevada, Utah and parts of Colorado and Wyoming 1848 Gold discovered in CA
Zachary Taylor 12th President (1849-50) Whig “Old Rough and Ready” Famous war vet Didn’t even vote in his own election Died in office from gastroenteritis (or maybe arsenic poisoning…)
Millard Fillmore 13th President (1850-53) Whig Never inaugurated Refused an honorary degree from Oxford 1850 Compromise & Fugitive Slave Act
Franklin Pierce 14th President (1853-57) Democrat Defeated Winfield Scott 1853 Gadsden Purchase 1854 Kansas Nebraska Act
James Buchanan 15th President (1857-61) Democrat Dred Scott case Bleeding Kansas repercussions Denied legal right of states to secede but said the government couldn’t stop them
Abraham Lincoln 16th President (1861-65) Republican Conflict with Stephen Douglas over Senate seat Civil war – state secessions Jan 1863 Emancipation Proclamation Mar 1863 conscription
Abraham Lincoln June 1863 WV new state Nov 19, 1863 Gettysburg Address Oct 1864 Nevada new state Jan 13 1865 13th Amendment passed repealing slavery April 16, 1865 dead – John Wilkes Booth