FACET Assignments of Responsibilities System Overview Florida State University FACET Assignments of Responsibilities System Overview Revised February 2016
Session Topics Assignment of Responsibilities (AOR) Overview Preparing for the AORs Creating New AORs Approving AORs Amending AORs AORs and Effort Certification Reference and Support
Assignment of Responsibilities Overview “What are AORs?”
Assignment of Responsibilities The Assignment of Responsibilities (AOR) system is used to plan and review the activities of Faculty members for the upcoming academic year. Activities are defined into several categories: Instruction, Research/Creative Activities, Service, and Paid Leave of Absence (Sabbaticals, etc.) The AORs are an estimate of a Faculty member’s planned activities for the upcoming year. They can be updated any number of times to reflect changes in duties.
Assignment of Responsibilities The Office of the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement requires all departments to submit new AORs for their faculty members on an annual basis. The UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement requires Faculty Annual Evaluations to be based on the Assignment of Responsibilities.
Assignment of Responsibilities FACET AOR ADVANTAGES Greater accessibility to information for departments and faculty members. Ability to automatically include relevant course and sponsored research data. Ability to import data from previous AORs when generating new ones. Availability of FACET AOR data for subsequent FACET Effort Certification after each semester.
Preparing for the Assignment of Responsibilities “How do I setup AORs for my department?”
OMNI SECURITY ROLES FOR AORS Preparing AORs OMNI SECURITY ROLES FOR AORS There are three primary department roles which must assigned in each department in order to generate and fully approve online AORS: AOR Department Representative AOR Department Chair Approver AOR Department Dean Approver
OMNI SECURITY ROLES FOR AORS Preparing AORs OMNI SECURITY ROLES FOR AORS Each department requires at least one assigned “AOR Representative” in order to generate new AORs. AOR Representatives are the only individuals who can draft new AORs and make any further changes during the approval process. AOR Representatives must request the FSU_FACET_AOR_REP role in OMNI eORR, and be assigned to the department on the OMNI Department Rep Table.
Preparing AORs Navigate to eORR Online Role Request in OMNI. OMNI > Human Resources 9.1 > Main Menu > eORR Online Role Request > Submit Role Request.
Preparing AORs Search for the individual and select them in the search results. Select “Human Resources” from the list of role categories.
Preparing AORs Select “Add” to choose new role assignments Select “Department Roles”
Preparing AORs Select the “FSU_FACET_AOR_REP” role from the list of department role options Press continue to review your role requests before submitting for approval.
Preparing AORs Please select the appropriate option from the “Reason for Request” drop down menu. Please enter a justification for this role request. Select the “Submit” button to route the role request for approval
OMNI SECURITY ROLES FOR AORS Preparing AORs OMNI SECURITY ROLES FOR AORS AOR Representatives, AOR Chairs, and AOR Deans must all be assigned to a department through the OMNI Department Representative Table. Only AOR Representatives require the eORR role. AOR Chair and Dean assignments are set up using only the OMNI Department Representative Table.
Preparing AORs Navigate to the Department Rep table in OMNI. OMNI > Human Resources 9.1 > Main Menu > Workforce Administration > FSU Department Reps > Department Reps
Preparing AORs Select the “Add a New Value” tab and enter the department number and Rep type. This process needs to be repeated for each of the three types of Rep types: AOR Rep (AORRP), AOR Chair (AORCH), and AOR Dean (AORDN)
Preparing AORs Add the EmplID for each person needing the role in the department. Multiple individuals can be assigned to each role. One person must be listed as the “primary” representative. All must be “Active” to have proper access.
Creating New Assignments of Responsibilities “How do I create AORs for Faculty members?”
Creating AORs AOR Representatives are the only individuals who can create and modify AORs. Departments can have multiple AOR representatives. Representatives should gather information from faculty using worksheets. Worksheet information should then be entered into online AORs for approval. AORs will produce an error if AOR Chair and AOR Dean roles are not assigned.
Creating AORs 12-Month faculty: must complete three semesters of information on their AOR form (Fall / Spring / Summer). 9-Month faculty: must complete two semesters on their AOR form (Fall / Spring). An optional Summer AOR is available to record work for summer semester. The 9-Month Summer AOR, if needed, must be completed prior to the start of the semester.
Creating AORs Navigate to Generate AOR in OMNI. OMNI > Human Resources 9.1 > Main Menu > FACET > Assignment of Responsibilities > Generate AOR
AOR SEARCH PAGE OVERVIEW Creating AORs AOR SEARCH PAGE OVERVIEW Faculty Type (9mo or 12mo) and Period are required to pull up list of faculty. Retrieve Faculty will produce the search results shown above.
AOR SEARCH PAGE OVERVIEW Creating AORs AOR SEARCH PAGE OVERVIEW Exclude column: select checkbox to prevent creating a new AOR draft for an individual when the Generate AOR button is pressed. Employee Name will be hyperlink when an AOR draft is available. Click to view AOR.
AOR SEARCH PAGE OVERVIEW Creating AORs AOR SEARCH PAGE OVERVIEW Two Additional Approvers can be added to each AOR draft. The Addl Approvers – Apply to All button will copy additional approvers in the first row to all subsequent rows.
AOR SEARCH PAGE OVERVIEW Creating AORs AOR SEARCH PAGE OVERVIEW Copy from Previous Year AOR options will auto-populate AOR drafts with information from last approved AOR of the previous year. Copy options are also available on a per individual basis.
FACET AOR Form The online AOR form is divided into three areas: Header: Contains Employee, Period, Status and Version information Data Entry: Optional Approvers, Paid Leave of Absence options, Effort Distribution Categories, Submission/Approval controls. Approval: Shows current approval status and sequence information.
FACET AOR Form The Optional AOR Approvers section allows two additional individuals to be added to the approval sequence. Both approvers are added to the beginning of each Approval Level (Level 1 & Level 2). This functionality is identical to the Additional Approvers options on the AOR Search page.
FACET AOR Form The Leave of Absence options add additional categories to the bottom of the data entry section. If these options are selected, some effort (1% or more) must be entered in the category or an error will occur. Unpaid Leave of Absence will not count towards 100% effort totals.
FACET AOR Form The Data Entry section contains a column for each semester included in the selected AOR Period. Each column must individually add up to 100% effort. Otherwise, an error will occur. The system auto-calculates the total effort after any adjustments to the entered effort.
FACET AOR Form Credit courses listed in Student Central can be added to the form. Custom courses can also be added. Any sponsored projects where the individual has a commitment will auto-populate into the form. Additional projects can be added to the form. Projects must be listed on OMNI projects table. Pending projects can be entered under Department Research activities.
FACET AOR Form Approval section will show individuals who must approve or acknowledge form in order finalize the draft. Multiple approvers can be listed. Only one of the approvers needs to approve to move form to next level.
FACET AOR Form The Activity link allows custom activities to be listed beneath each category heading (similar to the display of individual courses).
FACET AOR Form Print icon allows a printed PDF version of the current view of the AOR form to be downloaded. The Advance/Cancel allows a representative to forward a draft (without errors) for approvals, or cancel the draft. Level 1 and Level 2 approvers can approve or deny drafts using the same function. Denied drafts will always return to the AOR representative for changes or cancellation.
FACET AOR Form To enter effort for a Paid Leave of Absence, Sabbatical, or Unpaid Leave of Absence, you must first select the options from the header to see the data entry rows. If an individual is not expected to work or receive compensation for a semester, enter 100% into the Unpaid Leave of Absence or Not Employed category.
Approving Assignment of Responsibilities “How do I submit AORs for approval?”
Approving AORs An AOR draft moves through an approval sequence once it is submitted by an AOR Representative. Once fully approved, the draft becomes the official AOR for the individual for the term. Two additional approvers may be added to an AOR draft before submission. Each individual in the approval sequence will receive email notification when an AOR requires their attention/approval.
Approving AORs Any changes to the AOR draft must be performed by the AOR Representative. Drafts must be denied back to the Representative’s level for updates. Employees do not approve their own AOR draft. They have the option to acknowledge their assignment. Assignments which are not acknowledged by employee within 14 days will automatically escalate to next approval level.
Approving AORs APPROVAL SEQUENCE AOR Representative Optional Level 1 Approver Level 1 Approver (Supervisor / Chair) Employee (Acknowledge) Optional Level 2 Approver Level 2 Approver (Chair / Dean / VPFDA)
APPROVAL SEQUENCE RULES Approving AORs APPROVAL SEQUENCE RULES Level 1 Approver is… Employee’s supervisor, or if vacant, the designated AOR Chair. Level 2 Approver is… AOR Chair (if L1 approver and employee are not Chair or Dean) AOR Dean (if L1 approver and employee are not Dean or VPFDA) VPFDA (if L1 approver and employee are not VPFDA)
Approving AORs Multiple individuals can be assigned to each approval level (AOR Chair and AOR Dean). All individuals receive email notifications. Only one individual needs to approve to escalate draft to next level.
Approving AORs Individuals can approve/acknowledge AOR drafts using the Mass Approval AOR page. OMNI > Human Resources 9.1 > Main Menu > FACET > Assignment of Responsibilities > Mass Approval AOR
Approving AORs Selecting the Employee Name hyperlink will take reviewer to full AOR draft. An Approve button is also available on the AOR form.
Amending Assignment of Responsibilities “How do I update an approved AOR?”
Amending AORs AORs are estimates of future effort to be performed by Faculty members. Often changes will occur (new courses, sponsored projects, etc.) during the course of the year. AORs are allowed to be amended (updated) an unlimited number of times. AOR Representatives are the only individuals who can initiate an AOR amendment.
Amending AORs Individual AOR forms (both draft and approved versions) can be viewed on the Faculty AOR Forms page. Individuals must have the proper security roles to see the forms. OMNI > Human Resources 9.1 > Main Menu > FACET > Assignment of Responsibilities > Faculty AOR Forms
Amending AORs Search page has several options available, including the ability to search only AOR forms in need of attention using My Queue Only checkbox. Click the search results to view AOR form.
Amending AORs Selecting Create New Version will start a new draft with all the current information included on it. Current version must be fully approved. The data entry and approval process is identical (optional approvers must be re-selected).
FACET Assignment of Responsibilities and Effort Certifications “How are FACET AORs and Effort Certifications related?”
AORs and Effort Certification WHAT IS EFFORT CERTIFICATION? FACET Effort Certification is the university’s system to report employee activities in compliance with federal and state laws. Certifying a FACET Effort report legally states an individual performed the activities for which they were compensated during the academic semester. Effort certification verifies that payroll charged to sponsored projects was appropriately allocated and required activities were performed in the appropriate manner.
AORs and Effort Certification Effort Certification and AORs are “two sides of the same coin.” Both track employee activities and effort. AORs are a prescribed plan of activities and effort for upcoming semesters. Effort Certification reports are legal records stating which activities and effort were performed during previous academic periods. An AOR can be amended to match a certified FACET Effort report, but FACET Effort reports do not have to match AORs.
AORs and Effort Certification Effort Certification reports for periods where an approved AOR exists will have a link to the AOR form. AORs can be updated to reflect the information certified in an Effort Certification report. Updated AORs should always match certified effort.
Assignment of Responsibilities Reference and Support
Reference Several FACET AOR instructional guides and tutorials (including this presentation) are available at: http://omni.training.fsu.edu/OMNI-FACET/Assignment-of-Responsibilities
Reference A PDF-fillable AOR Worksheet to assist with collecting data from faculty members is available on Faculty Development and Advancement website at: http://fda.fsu.edu/Faculty-Development
Support General AOR Questions Melissa Crawford (mcrawford@fsu.edu), Office of the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement OMNI AOR Support & Training Questions The FACET Support Team (facet@fsu.edu) Matthew Earhart (645-2387), Office of Institutional Research