OARtech ARIN Legacy Address Issues Presentation and Discussion Paul Schopis OSC Networking April 9, 2008 1
What is Legacy Address Space Any address blocks acquired before December 22, 1997 08:12
What are the motivating issues IPv4 space is believed to be nearly exhausted Predicted to have no more allocatable space in ~16 months ( Last I heard was 18 months but that was 2 months ago) Because Legacy holders are not required to give ARIN good information it is not clear how much unused space is out there Example: small schools in Ohio with Class B blocks 4/21/2018 8:12 AM
What is ARIN trying to do? ARIN is hoping to motivate Legacy Address holders to enter into ARIN RSA agreement Carrot Allows Legacy Holder to join for $100 annual payment until 2013 Allows Legacy Holders address space to be reserved for original entity for up 12 months if there is a payment issue Allows reassignment to subsequent entity; but no 3rd party Allows signer to keep unused resources Will give some benefits to those who voluntarily return space FAQ http://www.arin.net/registration/legacy/index.html 4/21/2018 8:12 AM
What is ARIN trying to do? Stick ARIN can withhold any further allocations for entities that do not sign Could stop registry services for non-RSA entities, such as whois etc (doubtful) ARIN also has stated publicly it will not try to take away resources from non-compliant entities 4/21/2018 8:12 AM
What is this really about? ARIN is trying to clean up the mess the current IPv4 space is in. Registered users feel they are footing the bill for Legacy users Side issue -- Higher Ed no longer really participates in ARIN. Small ISPs seem to be driving this particular issue. 4/21/2018 8:12 AM
Discussion 08:12