CONTENTS Introduction What is smart class? What is traditional way of teaching? Difference between smart class and real life classes Important notes Summary Conclusion
INTRODUCTION Technology has come to stay in our lives. It is no longer restricted to being something that is invented in isolation in laboratory; it has become a way of life. Quality education is an essential requisite in today’s competitive environment. Technology benefitted us in every aspect of our life right from communication to education. And thus, we can see, gradually, smart or virtual classes are replacing the traditional teaching ways. In the further presentation, we will discuss upon the various aspects of both type of education, and hence, reach to a conclusion of either smart classes or traditional way of teaching is better.
?What is smart class? A smart classroom is a classroom that has an instructor equipped with computer and audio-visual equipment, allowing the instructor to teach using a wide variety of media. These include smart interactive white board, DVD's, PPT's and more, all displayed through a data projector. Smart class is a digital initiative of EDUCOMP.
?What is traditional way of teaching? Traditional way of teaching basically refers to teaching where both teachers as well as students are involved directly in the education system.
Difference between smart classroom and real classroom Real life classrooms Smart classrooms 1. Fixed class timings and class duration. 1. Flexible class timings and duration. 2. Homogeneous group of people of almost same age, profession etc. 2. Heterogeneous group of people, even linked globally. 3. Classes are generally teacher driven and teacher centric. 3. Classes are technology driven and learner centric. 4. Evaluations takes place through general exams and manually graded assignments. 4. Automated evaluation through continuous conducted online tests. 5. Setup is a bit expensive. 5. Comparatively low cost.
Survey reports
Important notes Till now, we had come across the facts that prove that smart classes are better than real life classes. But there are few more things, we need to discuss:- In a country like India, where a vast part of the population is under poverty line, they cant use the smart class education. Interaction is much more feasible in case of real life classrooms. Online courses might be very helpful, but real life classrooms helps to generate more confidence to face any kind of situations more effectively.
SUMMARY We have discussed the pros and cons of both “smart class” and “traditional way of teaching”. -> smart classes are much more effective for an individual, a group of students(belonging from different class etc.) whereas in traditional form of teaching, students r much more interactive with teachers.
CONCLUSION Now we can conclude by saying that , both form of education is useful and effective depending upon which group of people are acquiring it. But according to the present scenario of our country, where maximum of the population is under poverty, traditional way of teaching is way more effective and affordable than smart classrooms.