First Grade Homework for the week of: August 29 – September 2, 2016 FF First Grade Homework for the week of: August 29 – September 2, 2016 A Fox and a Kit Spelling Words atat sit sits win wins fit fits hit hits nap naps her too Monday: Write spelling words two times each. Read the first story on the back using skills learned today. Tuesday: Write spelling words two times each. Read both stories and word list on the back using skills learned today. Wednesday: Write spelling words two times each. Read both stories and word list on the back for continued practice. Thursday: Write spelling words two times each. Study and prepare for spelling test tomorrow. Continue to practice reading the stories and word list on the back. You are an important part of your child’s success! Parents, Please make sure your child arrives at school early if they are planning to eat breakfast in the cafeteria. Thank You! SSE Committed to Excellence Skills for the week: Reading -inflected ending -s (ex. hits, pops, sees) - inflected ending -ing (ex. picking, going, doing ) - main idea and details - declarative sentences Math – Sums and Differences to 10 Reminders: Please read the stories on the back with your child. The bold letters are the skills they are learning this week. *Don’t forget to read AR books! Reminders: Please read the stories on the back with your child. The bold letters are the skills they are learning this week. *Don’t forget to read AR books!
Rick digs. Rick has a hot job. Lin fills the pan. The dog licks. Read Story #1 Tuesday - Thursday skill: inflected ending -s #1 Big Jobs Rick digs. Rick has a hot job. Lin fills the pan. The dog licks. It is a big job. Nick rocks Quin. Quin naps. Nick has a big job. Kim picks the pods. It is a big job. Jack packs the sacks. Jack did a big job. Nan mops. Nan did a top job. We did big jobs. Do you have big jobs? skill: inflected ending -ing Read Story #2 Tuesday - Thursday Packing Bags #2 Mom is packing bags. Dad is packing bags. Pam helps. Dad is backing up. We can get in. Dad is picking up Jan. Jan can get in. Jan and Pam ran. Mom sits. Dad sits. Jan sits. Pam sits. Mom packs. Dad packs. Mom and Dad sit. Jan and Pam sit. High Frequency Words eat four five her this too Parent signature: Monday________________ Tuesday________________ Wednesday_____________ Thursday_______________ These are test words!