Total quantity (spare parts)


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Presentation transcript:

Total quantity (spare parts) Specimens for HRMT-36: Quantity – Dimensions – Coating - Procurement HRMT-36 Experiment (MultiMat) # Material Supplier Total quantity (spare parts) Dimensions (X,Y,Z) (Expected) Possible coating Offer status Expected delivery Location Need for machining 1 MG-6530Aa BREVETTI BIZZ. 12 (4) 4 (2) 10x12x120 mm Cu To be received ̶ 8 (2) 12x11.5x120 mm 2 MG-6403Fc TiN 3 MG-6541Fc Mo 4 TG-1100 5 AC140K Unknown 1 (0) 27x153x300 mm (8x10x247 mm) 376-1-014 Yes 6 HOPG MOMENTIVE PERFORMANCE 6 (2) 7x8x250 mm (7x8x247 mm) Tin/Cu Ordered on 06/03/2017 Delivered on 09/05/2017 7 R4550 35x80x590 mm (10x10x247 mm) TiN/Cu 8 CFOAM 10 (6) 10x10x250 mm 12/05/2017 9 SiC MICROCERTEC SAS 10x10x247 mm   Ordered on 08/05/2017 13/06/2017 No 10 CuCD RHP 10 (2) To be ordered Lead time 7 weeks 11 FRAUNHOFER IFAM 10x10x120 mm Order under approval Lead time 12 weeks 12 TMZ PLANSEE SE Ordered on 10/05/2017 20/07/2017 13.1 Ta10W 4 (0) 2 (0) 8x8x250 mm (8x8x247 mm) 13.2 Ta2.5W 14 IT180 Ordered on 11/05/2017 21/07/2017 15 Al 6082-T651 HUDDERSFIELD UNIVERSITY 10x10x490 mm 03/07/2017