Software Dependability Tomasz Dziubich Embedded Systems Software Engineering Software Dependability GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Types of software errors System design Software design Design and coding Environmental effects GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Fault, Error and Failure adjuged or hypothesized cause of an error that part of system state which may lead to a failure occurs when delivered service deviates from implementing the system function Fault H/W fault Bug Intrusion Attack GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Embedded Systems Software Engineering Dependability Trustworthiness of a computer system such that reliance can justifiably be placed on the service it delivers J.-C. Laprie (Ed.), Dependability: Basic Concepts and Terminology in English, French, German, Italian and Japanese, 265p., ISBN 3-211-82296-8, Springer-Verlag, 1992. GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
The Dependability Tree Availability Reliability Safety Confidentiality Integrity Maintainability Attributes Fault Error Failure Dependability Impairments Fault Prevention Fault Tolerance Fault Removal Fault Forecasting Methods GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Evaluation of source code Preventing errors Analysis of source code quality Language – quality and standards Coding – quality and standards Detecting errors Test of source code behaviour Functional correctness Temporal correctness Unexpected behaviour and program violations GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Software source code test techniques Code inspection Assessment of source code quality Source code analysis (static analysis) Code execution Assessment of source code behaviour Source code execution (dynamic analysis) GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Static analysis techniques Manual SA Automated SA Program attribute analyser Program structure Data usage Information flow Program verification analyser Program functional relationships Program correctness GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Embedded Systems Software Engineering Source code metrics Halsted McCabe GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Dynamic analysis techniques Dynamic testing in an automated environment Coverage analysis Practical automated DA GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering
Embedded Systems Software Engineering Integration testing Big bang approach Top-down Bottom-up GUT - Intel 2015/16 Embedded Systems Software Engineering