Animation of a planning 21-4-2018 Animation of a planning The following slides contain an animation of the planning of a list of activities. First, you will see a network diagram Followed by a calculation of the critical path and Finally, a drawing of a Gantt chart. Click to go to the next step of the schedule. This example is about the installation of a central heating system that uses a boiler and hot water to distribute the heat. Durations are in days. Activities provided str beyond discussion. Estimate the total duration first. This animation is part of the book Project Management written by Roel Grit and published by Wolters-Noordhoff
21-4-2018 Schedule – Example Installation of heating system Assignment: Estimate the total duration before analyzing! Activity Predecessors Duration A Order and deliver pipes - 2 days B Install pipes 6 days C Order and deliver boiler 5 days D Order and deliver radiators E Install radiators F Install boiler C, B G Connect pipes to radiators B, E 4 days H Fine-tune system F, G Draw: First network diagram, then critical chain, then Gantt chart
Schedule - Solution Network diagram = Pert chart Critical path = 14 21-4-2018 Schedule - Solution Activity table After Days A Deliver pipes - 2 B Install pipes 6 C Deliver boiler 5 D Deliver radiators E Install radiators F Install boiler C, B G Connect pipes to radiators B, E 4 H Fine-tune system F, G Network diagram = Pert chart Delivers Critical path = 14 B=6 A=2 F*=2 C=5 F*=2 H*=2 G*=4 D=2 E=2 H*=2 G*=4 Draw critical path first Bar chart Important terms Critical path Slack time ASAP (activity C) ALAP (activity C, critical) Must start on Milestones Resources A=2 = Gantt chart 5 10 8 14 2 12 B=6 G*=4 C=5 slack H*=2 D=2 F*=2 slack E=2 slack D, E