Session 35 Finance System Enhancements (SD, CT, CB & BL) Presented by Clinton Naidu 17 March 2015
Integrator 4 Development
Application Development Framework Definition of ADF Application Development Framework 1). Some of the trials that we had with Int04. …JOKE!!!
Completed (but may be subject to changes) FCBO-1 Maintain Statement Journals FCBO-2 Manage Manual Bank Statements FCBO-4 Bank Statement Reconciliation FCBO-5 Cash Book Transfers FCBO-6 Query Unreconciled Cheques FCBO-10 Query Statement Journals FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM FCBO-21 Maintain Electronic Bank Stmt 1). 8 Bullets
In Progress FSAO-1 Maintain Transactions FSAO-7 Query Student Account FSAO-12 Maintain Student Financial Statuses 1). 3 Bullets 2). Reason why More CB than SD. Easier, smaller subsystem first to learn ADF.
Student Debtors
FSAO-1 Maintain Transactions Mandatory Fields Non Mandatory Fields 1). Mandatory Fields, Non Mandatory fields. 2). You can search for a student. If you do, you can more details of the student account by expanding the non mandatory fields like the Student status information.
FSAO-7 Query Student Account More Search Criteria 1). More Search Criteria 2). Export to Excel 3). Create Journal Button 4). Create Journal 5). Detach Button 6). Detached Table: Allows the user to see more transactions on the screen
FSAO-12 Maintain Student Financial Statuses 1). Maintain Student Financial Statuses. No search required. User can go to the next panel box and do financial statuses for a whole list of students Note: Creditor, Creditor Name and Case number apply to the old debt collection system
Cash Book
Cashier Login No longer have to Sign In as a Cashier in FCTO-1 first! 1). 3 new features regarding logging in and out No longer have to Sign In as a Cashier in FCTO-1 first! Cashier will be signed out on exit of the option Cashier will be auto logged out if the option is idle for 10 minutes
FCBO-1 Maintain Statement Journals Allows the user to reverse a journal Allows the user to create a transaction Allows the user to search for a transaction 1). Search 2). Create 3). Reverse Journal
Manual Bank Statement Reconciliation Old Way FCBO-2 Maintain Statement Cheq/Dep FCBO-3 Maintain Force Matching FCBO-1 Maintain Statement Journals FCBO-4 Bank Statement Reconciliation New Way FCBO-2 Manage Manual Bank Statements FCBO-1 Maintain Statement Journals FCBO-4 Bank Statement Reconciliation 1). Old way 2). New Way
FCBO-2 Manage Manual Bank Statements Allows the user to search for a statement Allows the user to create a new entry Allows the user to capture a new statement Logic: Matched: The Deposit/Payment Number is found and the amount is correct Incorrect Value: The Deposit/Payment Number is found and the amount is incorrect Unmatched: Cannot find a match for the Deposit/Payment Number and amount Cancelled: Cheque was found, but was cancelled Duplicate: More than one transaction found for Deposit/Payment Number and amount 1). Combination of FCBO-1, 2 & 3 i.e. Journals, Match and Force Match 2). Search Button 3). New Bank Statement Button 4). Create new matching entry 5). Logic
FCBO-4 Bank Statement Reconciliation The system will automatically fill in the bank statement number Once the Cash Book is selected, the bank account number will be displayed 1). Bank Account number is displayed 2). Start bank statement number is auto-filled as the old system did not do this. The user had to manually fill this in.
FCBO-5 Cash Book Transfers 1). After the journal is captured, you will be able to see the From & To cashbook journal numbers
FCBO-6 Query Unreconciled Cheques Only updateable for matched transactions that have not been reconciled Allows the user to export the data to Excel™ 1). Not Matched 2). Export to Excel button 3). Exported to excel 4). Next Image 5). Matched 6). Updateable Bank statement number
FCBO-10 Query Statement Journals Export to Excel Advance Search This type of search replaces the “&” queries All the different types of search Add Fields to search Add account type
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM MPM – Multi Process Management Not new (existed in V11) Similar to an EP (Entry Point) Subsystem specific One place to perform most of the tasks in the subsystem Process in context Fixed options (i.e. user cannot add or remove options) Advanced logic through all the options Cashbook MPM - Enter the Cashier ID once Cash book code will carry through to all options Cashier will be signed out on exit of MPM Cashier will be auto logged out if the MPM is idle for 10 minutes Hyperlinks which allow the user to click on certain transactions (like statement number), to perform certain tasks 1). 13 Bullets
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM V13 1). V13 MPM
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM 1). Search 2). Bank Statements Lists all the bank statements for the cash book Allows the user to perform a search Lists all the transactions for a bank statement Lists all the tasks that one can perform in the MPM 1). Search 2). Bank Statements 3). Opening balance 4). Total Chqs 5). Tot. Jrnls 6). Tot. EFT 7). Tot. Debits 8). Tot. Credits 9). Closing Balance 10). Reconciled 11). Recon Method 12). Bank Statement Transactions 13). Tasks
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM 1). Print statement 2). Click on document number This button runs the program for FCBOR1-1 Bank Statement and sorts the statement sequentially Allows the user to create a transaction Allows the user to return to the MPM 1). Print statement 2). Click on document number 3). Cashier Login 4). Cash Book Journal 5). Return 6). Create
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links)
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) 1). Puts in CB code
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) 1). Bank Statement number 2). If you click on the manage bank statement task link… 3). Cash book code and statement number are prefilled
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links)
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) 1). CB Code 2). Reconcile screen 3). CB and Bank Stat number
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) 1). CB Code
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) 1). Document Number 2). CB Journal Screen 3). Reverse Journal button 4). Reverse Journal Screen
Electronic Bank Statement Reconciliation Old Way FEBC-# Convert File FCBO-21 Maintain Electronic Bank Stmt FCBO-22 Match Electronic Bank Stmt FCBO-23 Reconcile Electronic Bank Stmt New Way FEBC-# Convert File Maintain & Match Electronic Bank Stmt FCBO-23 Reconcile Electronic Bank Stmt
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) Runs the option FCBO-22 Match Bank Statement 1). Match Button
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) Edit Bank Statement Button 1). Edit Bank Statement – similar to Old FCBO-21 2). Prepopulates info and if the TT is set up correctly, that is the only thing that you have to enter
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) Payments Button 1). See all the payments
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) Deposits Button 1). See all deposits
FCBO-11 Cash Book MPM (Task Links) EFT Button 1). View all EFTs
The Road Ahead Recreate Bank Reconciliation Enhance Interest Calculation Student Statement/Invoice (Logos) Convert Distribute Receipt to ADF (Including Added Functionality to Distribute Payment and Cash Book Journal) Distribute Payment Internet Payments / Functionality similar to PAYPAL Distribute CB Journal All References in the System to ACB Convert Student Batch Journals to ADF Convert of Payment Agreement to ADF Convert Maintain Show Indicators to ADF Reporting - Student Income (Debt Split) per Events, Department etc. Ability to exclude groups (Bursary Students) Convert Receipt and Payments to ADF 1). Int04 Road Map
TVET Development on Integrator 3
FSAO-7 Query Student Account 1). Print Statement button 2). View Statement
Schedule of Particulars FBNOR1-6 SOP for the NCV Programmes FBNOR1-7 SOP for the 191 Programmes 1). NCV 2). 191 3). SOP
Disclaimer The information, comments and material presented in this presentation are provided for information purposes only. The presentation is not addressing all possible technical or business aspects and does not claim to be complete or exhaustive. Adapt IT reserves the right to change its business or product development plans as circumstances dictate. This document may not be reproduced or distributed without the written permission of Adapt IT (Pty) Ltd.
Thank you.