Journal Entry: Public Speaking – What does it take to do it well? Who does it well? What do they do? What can good public speaking skills get a person in life?
Don’t memorize. Don’t read. Just deliver. EYE CONTACT NoteS
I. Eye contact: What not to do Don’t read from a paper
I. Eye contact: What not to do Don’t try to memorize the whole speech
I. Eye contact: What not to do Don’t stare at the back of the room or the floor
I. Eye contact: What not to do Don’t stare at one person (even the teacher)
II. Proof that eye contact matters
II. Proof that eye contact matters
III. Eye contact: What to do: Sustained eye contact: Look at each person for a few seconds Then, randomly change to a new person Don’t just stare, care
III. Eye contact: What to do: Things to remember: Don’t forget the sides of the room Look at people, not objects Use non-verbal cues from the audience to help you!
PRACTICE! 20-30 seconds in groups. The group will tell the speaker: Whether they talked for 20 seconds Whether they had eye contact at least 90% of the time Each person in the group choose a number 1-4
PRACTICE TOPICS Tell about a time you got injured Tell about your favorite class so far, and why Describe your family, including any pets Explain, in detail, some of your hobbies. (Even if you claim all you do is sleep, be ready to describe your sheets in vivid detail!)
Practice Activity Each assigned a number 1-4. Talk to group on topic for 20-30 seconds while maintaining eye contact
Practice Activity Tell about a time you got injured Tell about your favorite class this year and why Describe your family, including any pets, Explain, in detail, some of your hobbies (even if you claim all you do is sleep, be ready to describe your sheets in vivid detail)
List of Mini Speech topics HOMEWORK: practice! You will be giving your first speech tomorrow – focusing on EYE CONTACT!