Positives and Negatives -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5
Meet Pete The Positive Pirate
Together, they’re called the “Positives”
Now meet their arch enemies…
Ned The Negative Ninja
Together, they’re called the “Negatives”
These two don’t like each other very much.
Every time they meet, they always fight Yaaaar going down! Hiiii-Yah! And they ALWAYS destroy each other in the process
So what happens when a lot of positives… …are confronted by a bunch of negatives
1 Positive is left after the battle +1 1 Positive is left after the battle -3 3 negatives +4 4 positives
-3 3 negatives are left -8 +5
+8 8 Positives are left -7 +15
When you’ve got 2 positives… Hi! Hello! +9 9 Positives They combine to make a bigger positive! +4 +5
-4 and -8 combined equals… Hello! Hi! -12 12 Negatives -4 -8
So lets review what we learned… +1 -1 = 0 -3 +4 = +1 -8 +5 = -3 -7 +15 = +8 +4 +5 = +9 -4 -8 = -12
Take Note: +1 -1 = 0 -3 +4 = +1 -8 +5 = -3 -7 +15 = +8 +4 +5 = +9 -4 -8 = -12
When you have a positive and a negative number, you subtract Take Note: +1 -1 = 0 When you have a positive and a negative number, you subtract -3 +4 = +1 -8 +5 = -3 -7 +15 = +8 +4 +5 = +9 -4 -8 = -12
Take Note: +1 -1 = 0 -3 +4 = +1 -8 +5 = -3 -7 +15 = +8 +4 +5 = +9 When you have a positive and a negative number, you subtract -3 +4 = +1 -8 +5 = -3 -7 +15 = +8 When you have 2 positives or 2 negatives, you add them up +4 +5 = +9 -4 -8 = -12
+1 -1 = 0 -3 +4 = +1 -8 +5 = -3 -7 +15 = +8 +4 +5 = +9 -4 -8 = -12 But after we subtract, how do we know whether the answer will be positive or negative? -3 +4 = +1 -8 +5 = -3 -7 +15 = +8 +4 +5 = +9 -4 -8 = -12
-12 +9 = -3 For Example… The larger number always wins! Since there are more negatives than positives, the answer is negative
-3 +7 = +4 For Example… The larger number always wins! Since there are more positives than negatives, the answer is positive
Sample Problems
Who Will Win The Battle? Will the answer be positive or negative? +8 -14 = +2 -4 = -13 +15 = -9 -4 = -28 +31 = +2 +16 = - - + - + +
Who Will Win The Battle? Should you add or subtract? +8 -14 = +2 -4 = -13 +15 = -9 -4 = -28 +31 = +2 +16 = - Subtract - Subtract + - Add Subtract + Add +
Who Will Win The Battle? Solve the problem Subtract +8 -14 = +2 -4 = -13 +15 = -9 -4 = -28 +31 = +2 +16 = - 6 Subtract - 2 Subtract + 2 - 13 Add Subtract + 3 Add + 18