Sierra Leone Country Report
Introduction Sierra Leone is situated along the West Coast of Africa and shares boundaries with Liberia on the South and Guinea on the North. It has a population of over 5 million with enormous potential for development with regards the exploit of its vast mineral resources. This potential has unfortunately not been fully exploited. Sierra Leone is endowed with substantial mineral wealth (Diamond, Rutile, Bauxite and Iron Ore) a varied agriculture resources (Coaco, Coffee, Piassava, Ginger, Palm kernel etc) base with good potential for raising yields and rich fisheries.
Political Situation The country is under a multiparty constitutional system of government. The incumbent All Peoples Congress (APC) won the Presidential Elections on the 17th November 2012 and it flag bearer, Dr. Ernest Bai Koroma has been sworn in on the 23rd November immediately after the result was announced. There are two major political parties in parliament following the conclusion of the parliamentary elections, with the All Peoples Congress (APC) being the majority party 72 seats and the ruling party, whilst the Sierra Leone Peoples party are the minority parties 52 Seats. The general security situation in the country as a whole has improved considerably. There is still low rate of women and youth representation in decision-making bodies despite the progress that has been made in the recent past.
Economic Situation The national minimum wage of twenty-one thousand Leones (L45,000) per month i.e. less than US$ 10 is grossly inadequate vis-à-vis the cost of living in the country. Though at the industrial/sectorial levels it is higher. Over 2/3 of the population is living below the poverty line and the country has for many years been rated as one of the poorest and least developed country in the world according to the UNDP Human Development Index Report. Unemployment and under-employment is very high and is said to be growing at an alarming rate, especially among the youth and women. The physical and economic infrastructure suffered serious damage during the war and is now under reconstruction. Foreign investment is gradually improving in the country.
There has been significant improvement in the telecommunications system as a result of the involvement of private investors in this sector. The major economic policies and programmes of the Government are trade liberalization, privatization of state owned services and enterprises, public sector reform, withdrawal of subsidies on essential services and commodities, poverty alleviation under the PRSP and the promotion of the principles of NEPAD. Under the privatization project, the Government has appointed a Privatization Commission and plans are underway to privatize some public entities owned by Government. There is high inflation.
Health System The government is currently implementing a free health care for pregnant women, children under five and lactating mothers. Some health facilities especially in the rural areas are in very bad shape and grossly inadequate. Medical treatment even in the public hospitals and health centers is very expensive, thereby making affordability of heath services impossible for the poor majority. Government is contemplating to establish health insurance scheme Government with donor assistance has rehabilitated several health centers.
HIV/AIDS STATUS Vision: Towards zero new HIV infections, Zero Discrimination and Zero AIDS-related deaths in Sierra Leone Two Strategic plans developed 2006-2010 2011-2015
Situation of HIV in Sierra Leone The Sierra Leone Labour Congress is one of the stakeholders in the fight against HIV/Aids in Sierra Leone Prevalence still stands and stabilized at 1.5% Female 1,7%, Male 1.2% Adolescent Girls 1.4%, Boys 0.5% Urban 2.5%, Rural 1% Prevalence among pregnant women attending ANC is 3.2% 48,000 people infected, 4,000 are children Epidemic is mixed, generalized and heterogeneous affecting different population subgroups
UPDATES National HIV and AIDS Commission Act of 2011 signed on 14th September 2011 & Gazetted on 3rd Nov 2011 On 26 April 2012, the Economic and Social Council elected Sierra Leone by acclamation to the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board for a three-year term beginning on 1 January 2013 Prevention and Behaviour Change Communication & Advocacy strategies developed Regional Partnership Forums on the AIDS Response on going Piloted Early Infant Diagnosis of HIV & now scaling-up
CHALLENGES Sustainability of the AIDS response as 95% is donor funded Lack of in-country AIDS Resource Basket Translating knowledge into behaviour change among general & key populations Myths & misconception about HIV viz-a-vis stigma & discrimination Consistent and correct use of condoms Early sexual debut among the youth Multiple concurrent sexual partners among adults Alcohol & substance abuse
Summary SLLC OSH & HIV & Aids Committees have been set up in several workplaces OSH & HIV/Aids issues are included in Collective Bargaining Agreements OATUU OATUU developed a training manual on OSH & HIV/Aids OATUU has been training trainers on OSH & HIV/Aids and SLLC has benefited from these trainings