PHOTOGRAPH CONSENT FORM School Production Photographs 2015- 2016 Photographs are taken in school for use on displays, the school website and occasionally in local press. We need your consent for these due to our commitment to pupil safeguarding. Please tick the following options if you allow your children to be included: Child’s name/s:___________________________________ Class:__________________________________________ Parent Signature:_________________________________ For any options that are left un-ticked your children will not be allowed in photographs for these for the academic year beginning September 2015. These need to be returned to school as soon as possible. PLEASE NOTE: Any unreturned forms will mean children will not be allowed in any photographs for the whole school year. A Twitter consent form is on the reverse on this letter to join Twitter and follow your child’s class during school trips and residential visits. Class Photographs Professional photographs taken home at the end of the year which are available to purchase. In school For displays around school only. The Mackie Mirror Which goes out to parents and local businesses with a downloadable version on our school website. Local Press e.g. The Wakefield Express or events where television may be involved. Tick here: School Website To show children in class and during activities in their class page gallery. Twitter Secure page used for updating parents on school trips. School Publications e.g. brochures, leaflets and prospectus’. School Production Photographs Cast photos which go on sale for each school show. Tick here:
Mackie Hill have their own page on Twitter. TWITTER CONSENT FORM 2015- 2016 Mackie Hill have their own page on Twitter. This is used on school trips and residential visits so teachers can take photographs of children and post them to our page for parents to see what they have been doing that day. It is also helpful for any delays in estimated times of arrival to keep parents informed of any traffic delays. The feedback from parent users has remained universally positive and we hope to continue this in the future. Obviously, however positive the use of Twitter can be, we must ensure that children’s safety is paramount at all times. To do this we have chosen the highest security protocols on the system. This means that none of the content can be viewed or accessed by anyone unless they are an approved follower of the Mackie Hill Twitter account. The account administrator has control of which followers are approved and can delete their permission should the need arise. Our policy for approving followers requires parents to supply their Twitter name, the email they used to set up their Twitter account and to return this letter to school to say that you understand the terms. I hope the security information has not scared you away from following our Twitter account. The positive applications of Twitter for you and the school far outweigh any possible risks and we hope that you will join as an approved follower. If you would like to take advantage of this modern and exciting opportunity please fill in below and return this whole sheet (with photographic consent on the reverse) as soon as possible. To get ready for the school trips this year you will need to: Set up a Twitter account at Complete, sign and return the terms of use agreement below. Search for MackieHill (all one word, with a capital M and H) Choose to follow MackieHill as soon as possible for prompt approval. We will have to approve you before you can see any tweets. Please be sure to include the email and user name you have registered with Twitter below otherwise we cannot approve your request. Acceptable Use Agreement (please fill in, even if you are currently following us): Child’s Name Parent’s Name Twitter User Name Email registered with Twitter