Thank You for Coming to Back to School Night Welcome to Room 26 Thank You for Coming to Back to School Night
Room 26’s Website Please check the website each month for updates and important information. This is an important information tool that I use to communicate with parents.
A Look at Second Grade This is the web Link to the California State Standard and the Common Core State Standards. - State Standards Common Core Standards:
Reading Learning to read is an integral part to being successful. Learning to read is an integral part to being successful.
Core Ready – Reading and Writing Program Core Ready – Reading and Writing Program More to Come as far as web links. Please check my website monthly for New Updates.
Math Press Release Regarding Adoption of New Math Program Fremont Unified School District Adopts New Math Programs Our Math Program is Math Expressions. A Link for students to us is: A link for Families to use is:
The digital component, supports for English learners, students with disabilities and instruction in higher mathematics. Community input was also solicited. Based on the findings from the evaluation, the programs that best fit the needs for the students of Fremont Unified School District are: Math Expressions (2015) by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for grades K-5, and Springboard Math (2014) by the College Board for grades 6-8 and Algebra I All teachers have receive professional development in to help prepare them for teaching this curriculum. All student texts are consumable which will result in a lighter load in backpacks. Families will receive digital access codes to the student online component in the fall. This is forthcoming. The District Office is still in the process of accomplishing this goal.
History–Social Science Students in the second grade are ready to learn about people who make a difference in their lives and who have made a difference in the past. They develop their own identities as people who have places in their communities. Students start their study of people who make a difference by studying the families and people they know
History–Social Science 4. Students themselves can make a difference by engaging in service-learning to improve their schools or communities . 5.Teachers are encouraged to build understanding of history– social science concepts while furthering beginning literacy skills as outlined in the Common Core State Standards (CCSS)..
Science In second grade, scientific investigation focuses on the students’ questioning, observation, and communication skills
Science Students need time to: examine different ideas, ask questions, observe patterns, make predictions, use simple equipment and tools, and discuss what they see with others. They develop skills in making careful, replicable, and validated observations
Science and have multiple opportunities to communicate their findings in writing, through pictures, and orally. In addition, students learn about the important role of technology in science.
Science In the physical sciences: second-grade students learn about forces (pushes and pulls) and the phenomena of gravity, magnetism, and sound. In the life sciences, they learn about the life cycles of animals and plants and the basics of inheritance they provide about Earth’s history.
Science In the earth sciences, students learn that rocks are composed of different combinations of minerals, that smaller rocks and soil are made from the breakage and weathering of larger rocks, and that soil also contains organic materials. Students are introduced to fossils and the evidence
Technology Ms. Commendant is our current computer teacher. Below is her website link.
Lexia Core 5 Reading App This is a technology based App that requires Google Chrome, Firefox or at least an I pad 2. This is the symbol for the I pad. Students need a password to access this information. This will come home later in Thursday Folders.
3 Ideas for Common Core at Home 1. Think Deeply The Common Core emphasizes critical thinking. It requires students to analyze more, discuss more, evaluate more, justify more and explain their thinking & understanding deeply, especially in writing. Take-Away: Really thinking deeply is hard. Let it BE hard, help them talk it out.
2. Integrating Learning The Common Core emphasizes learning across disciplines (reading with math & social studies standards combined into one task). Students spend more time working together with different settings, structures & tools. Take-Away: Problems & solutions happen everyday in the real world.
3. Showing How they know: The Common Core emphasizes proof & evidence. Long gone are the days of worksheets, fact memorizations and skill & drill. Students are not taught this way and they are not assessed this way. Take-away: The new tests will require students to explain how they know.
Supporting The Common Core at Home 1 Ask *why* when children tell you they want something or want to do or not do something. 2 Use the word *because* after “No” or “Not tonight…” 3. Give reasons--you to them and them to you. 4. Encourage questions & explore answers (especially questions whose answers are not yes or no.) 5. Explain & discuss issues or problems in your house, neighborhood, & community. Brainstorm solutions.
Supporting The Common Core at Home 6 Compare how things are alike and different-videos, movies, food. 7 Look for patterns 8 Describe & categorize stuff. 9Tell your children what you value & why. 10 Encourage & celebrate opinions.
Grading System for 2016-2017 The district has revised the report card grading system for K-6. Instead of using number grades the district has opted to return to O,S, and N. These grades will also be used for classroom assignments/assessments and progress reports.
Discipline Policy 1. I believe each student is responsible for their own learning and every child is capable of learning. 2. I believe every child is wonderful and has something great to share with others. 3. I believe in active and interactive learning where each child is valued as an active participant in learning with an emphasis as much as possible with hands on learning where they are doing and creating a positive environment for themselves and others. 4. I believe in positive reinforcement of excellent behavior and try to reward each child individually with prizes and positive words that will encourage excellence in their learning environment. 5. When negative things happen, I remind them that we are not perfect and ask them to be honest and handle these situations to get a positive outcome. ( They may have to write a letter to you and let you know what happened. The letter needs to be signed, so I know you saw it. I do not keep these after they are returned.
Discipline Policy Rules to Live By: Treat Everyone respectfully Be Responsible for your own actions Make Good Choices Be Helpful to yourself and others. Be Kind to yourself and other people. Keep your Hands and Feet to yourself. Use inside voices inside the classroom. Listen to your teacher and classmates respectfully. Follow Directions. Listen to your Teacher. Have Fun Learning.
The first time a rule is not followed – There will be a verbal warning. The second time there is a rule not followed – There will be a verbal warning and a “Time Out” The third time a rule is not followed – There will be a verbal Warning, a time out (Red Dot) and a letter written by the student to the Parent. Please sign and return it, so I know you saw it. Any violent acts or bullying are automatically sent to the principal for referral.
Rewards Olaf – This is given to a student for doing a kind act. They are allowed to have Olaf on their desk and with them in the classroom for a day. Student of the Week – Every student is valued, honored and appreciated and will get this reward. Prizes are given for excellence in academics and behavior.
Thank you in Advance for your donations. Your donations go toward field trips, and the cost of transportation to the field trip. Your donations go for in school presentations such as the Lawrence Hall of Science. Your donations go towards in class hands on science projects. Your donations go towards a field trip t – shirt. And in helping your child to be given the opportunity to experience new things. Thank you in Advance for your donations.
Parent Meetings Each Trimester, I would love to get together with Parents in the morning for a Parent Only Potluck breakfast to discuss Curriculum and any concerns. I want this time to be for you to ask questions, get answers and connect with other parents in our room. Students may attend if the Parents are with the children and can only eat what you allow them to. ( Allergies?)
Volunteering Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, and Uncles are more than welcome to Volunteer at any time in the School Day. The only requirement is that you sign into the office. There is “Take Home” opportunities available if you prefer to help at home.
Thank You for coming to Back to school Night If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at You may also call me at 510-657-6100, ext. 44011. You may also make an appointment.