VIRTUE CLASSES Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School has adopted the Virtue of the Week program that was implemented by the Diocese of Orlando for all Catholic churches in the diocese. Collaborating with the church, the Virtue of the Week program is presented in the classrooms throughout the school. The guidance counselor presents a 30 minute class to each grade once per week. The lesson emphasizes on the virtue for that week through scripture readings, discussion, games, song, dance, role playing, crafts & activities.
INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING Individual counseling is provided from the licensed and certified school guidance counselor. Students may request a meeting or be recommended by a parent, teacher or staff member of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School or Parish. Concerns, issues or problems regarding behavior, academics, social interactions, expectations from home or school, emotional guidance or spiritual support are addressed with the student. Brief counseling is provided under the guidelines of the Diocese of Orlando, reaffirming the faith and disciplines of the Catholic Church. Therapeutic techniques and strategies are incorporated in providing skills the students may need to be successful.
SMALL GROUP INTERVENTIONS LUNCH GROUPS Lunch groups are an opportunity for the students to congregate in the guidance office for lunch. These lunch groups meet in a small group setting as a support group to discuss issues of concerns in an informal manner and learn to be compassionate to one another as they relate to similar issues, both at school and at home. Each day’s group is for a different issue, including anger, sadness/loss, impulse/self-control, girl issues, and friendship skills. The students may sign up on their own or be referred by a teacher, staff or parent. The lunch groups are completely voluntary and rotate halfway through the year to provide this opportunity of support to all the students in the school.
SMALL GROUP INTERVENTIONS Snack Groups Snack groups are a voluntary group of students that want to spend their snack break talking with their friends in a more private setting in the guidance office. The students determine their own participation and it is open to anyone who wants to join during that time. Although it is hosted and monitored by the guidance counselor, it is requested by the students and therefore governed by them as well. Intervention by the guidance counselor is provided on an as-needed basis.
SMALL GROUP INTERVENTIONS Team Building Teachers may request for the guidance counselor to facilitate a Team Building group for their classroom. This group meets once a week & is designed to help encourage and build bonds amongst the students in the class. The students are chosen at random by the teacher in order to provide an opportunity for all the students to have a chance to bond with one another, resulting in a different blend of students each week. The students may participate in various activities, crafts, games, songs & lessons to develop better friendship & communication skills.
SMALL GROUP INTERVENTIONS Conflict Resolution Conflict resolution services may be requested by teachers, parents, administration or self-referral by the students themselves. Typically the student(s) may be having an ongoing issue or concern with another student(s) that is not being resolved through their own attempts and efforts, or intervention by a teacher. The situation may be continuing despite what has been done or corrected, and possibly escalating. The students involved will be invited to explain, identify, process & come to a mutual agreement of resolution regarding the issue. The students will sign a contract of respect & agree to return to the guidance counselor to revise if the issue continues.
SMALL GROUP INTERVENTIONS Group Counseling Group counseling may be requested for students that are dealing with a particular emotional issue that need coping strategies or techniques. The students learn to manage their emotions in a healthy & productive way while supporting one another throughout the school day. Facilitated by the guidance counselor, with reference from outside resources, the groups would meet once a week with students that are age appropriate & address the issue or concern, identify the triggers, determine the options to cope & practice the skills to resolve the situation in a calm, safe & positive manner.
CLASSROOM INTERVENTIONS Teacher and student concerns are addressed in the classroom with large group or whole class discussion. These interventions may include topics regarding conflict resolution, problem solving, social skill building, self- control, communication skills, positive behavior reinforcements toward one another, character development, among other topics specific to the situation at hand. These interventions focus on reinforcing Our Lady of Lourdes core Catholic-values as a school, church and part of the community. The means of implementing the interventions may be delivered via whole group or class discussion, activities, role playing, goal setting, or daily strategy practice.
STUDENT ACTIVITIES The guidance department coordinates some activities for the students throughout the year that support Our Lady of Lourdes efforts of teaching the core Catholic values and virtues. The school body participates as a whole to celebrate Red Ribbon Week-Drug Free Awareness, Our Lady of Lourdes Kindness month, Unity Day, Our Lady of Lourdes Peace Day, as well as working with the community to share the cards, letters, placemats & bookmarks the students make to give best wishes to those in the community.
PARENT COLLABORATION Parent Classes: “It’s Time to Be a Parent” Presentation Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School & Parish collaborated with the Brevard Sherriff’s Department to bring “It’s Time to Be a Parent Again” for all the parents of the school, congregation & community. In two hours, the Sherriff’s department, the attorney general, and the inmates of Brevard County present the legal, ethical & moral responsibilities of being a parent in today’s society.
PARENT COLLABORATION Parent Classes: Calm Parent University Offered once or twice per year, Calm Parent University is a four week program that is presented once a week for two hours. Hosted by the guidance counselor, participants watch a video presentation and discuss amongst their peers regarding the ideas from the video. They receive ten parenting skills per week that help them with the topics of: Ways to stop the yelling, lecturing & power struggles; Ways to discipline: Get kids to listen the first time; Ways to stop defiance, disrespect & meltdowns; Ways to motivate kids without crushing their spirits.
PARENT COLLABORATION Parent/Teacher meetings Parent/teacher meetings are allotted twice a year on a structured schedule set by the administration, but can be requested at any time throughout the year. Parents may coordinate a parent/teacher conference through the homeroom teacher, the administrative office, student services or the guidance counselor.
Individual Parent Consultation PARENT COLLABORATION Individual Parent Consultation Parents may request a private meeting with the guidance counselor to discuss issues or concerns they may have regarding their child. These consultations may involve identifying the options available to create a support for the child’s needs, developing a behavior or academic plan for the student at school or home, arranging for individual counseling for the child while at school, presenting various techniques or strategies for the parent to implement at home or referring to outside agencies for additional family support. The guidance counselor will maintain communication with the teachers, staff & administration to provide the best support for the child and the family.
COMMUNITY RESOURCES The Guidance Department establishes collaboration to provide Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School and its students and families opportunity to work with various community agencies, organizations, parishes, schools, missionaries & the Diocese of Orlando to spread Catholic values. This is accomplished through encouraging volunteer work, donations, having the students create thank you cards & letters, celebrating OLL Kindness Month through Unity Day Bookmarks, decorating Thanksgiving Day placemats & Christmas cards, among other opportunities that arise.
COMMUNITY RESOURCES The guidance counselor may also assist parents/guardians that request information regarding services available for support in the community. The guidance counselor provides reliable resources and contacts that help support the needs of the parents/guardians and family. The guidance counselor communicates regularly with the parents/guardians to ensure they are receiving the best care and guidance through the community network, system & process.
Contact Guidance Counselor: Jessica Nixon, M.Ed. http://www.ollmelbourne.org nixonj@ollmelbourne.org 321-723-3631 x104