Reception Parents’ Meeting
Our Staff Bonham Teachers Mrs Lloyd Owls Miss Livanaite Robins St. George Teachers Miss Thorogood Robins Mrs Douglas Doves Mrs Lesurf Owls Miss Lilley Assistant Headteacher
Information Sharing A curriculum forecast will be sent to parents every half term with suggestions about helping your child at home and the theme for the half term as well as information about important dates and events. Newsletters and specific letters e.g. parents’ evening forms – please check book bags every day. Open door policy – if you need to speak to a member of staff please see the office or see teachers and support staff after school for a suitable time. Website
Reading Books Fiction and non-fiction. Using a range of strategies – phonics, picture cues, initial sounds, contextual (what makes sense), prediction, sight vocab. Positive experiences of reading and being read to. Finding key words. Library.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Writing a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Follows the same structure as the letters and sounds (letters are taught at the same time) Lower case letters – helps joining. Cursive letters Important that letters are formed correctly No capitals yet.
Meal times Healthy School Status – we strongly discourage crisps, chocolate, cakes, biscuits. Water and milk only. Not too much please. We are a nut free school! Birthdays – no cakes, sweets etc. please.
Homework Sounds – weekly sounds will be sent so children can practise reading and writing letters. Word games – 6 high frequency words sent home for children to learn as a ‘bingo’ game. These will be changed as and when children learn them. Reading books – changed once a week. Maths games – these will be sent home once a week and will link to children’s individual learning. Library books – sent home and changed weekly– please share and keep in your child’s book bag (from October Half Term).
Mr Ted Sent home once a week with a child – bring back at the beginning of the following week. Opportunity for children to share what they have been doing at home. This will start from October half term.
Outdoor play/PE All weathers – please provide wellies for your child to keep in school. Be aware of the weather and send your child in with suitable clothing all year – e.g. coats, gloves and scarves for the winter. Name labels in all items of clothing and footwear please. You will be sent a letter in the Summer term with information about PE starting and items required for PE Kit.
Attendance and Punctuality Gates open 8:40 Doors open 8:45 Doors close 8:55 Home time 3:00 (late collection is subject to a fine). 5 mins a day = 25 mins a week 1 day a week = half a term by the end of the school year! Soon children will enter the school without parents / careers so if your child is confident enough, please encourage them to come into school on their own.
Uniform Labels on everything please INCLUDING LUNCH BOXES Black shoes, no trainers. Jumpers, sweatshirt, cardigans – royal blue, no navy blue. White polo shirts, blouses and shirts. Grey skirts and trousers. Plain grey, white or black tights. Hair accessories in school colours – royal blue, grey, white or black. No jewellery (plain studs only), nail varnish or tattoos.
Stay on Green Foundation stage behaviour policy
Parental Engagement During the year you will be invited to parent workshops about our Literacy and Maths activities. Reading – 10 mins per day. Please share a variety of stories with your children at home (this can be any book or comic).
Parent Communication Email address – if you have not yet done so please give your email address to your child’s teacher, as we will be sending electronic updates throughout the year.
Any questions?