ILO Programme on HIV and AIDS and the world of work, PPP in response to HIV, TB, Malaria and STIs Social responsibility of the private sector by Alice Ouedraogo Director ILO Programme on HIV and AIDS and the world of work, Geneva 6 December 2011, ICASA
Corporate social responsibility and HIV/AIDS CSR is a voluntary, enterprise driven initiative in which enterprises give consideration to the impact of their operations on society while preserving their profitability. HIV and AIDS is a major threat to profitability and to the economic fabric of society The full engagement of the private sector in HIV interventions is a vital imperative and an opportunity
Impact of HIV and AIDS on Enterprises Loss of skills and experience The impact on enterprises Reduced supply of labour Rising labour costs Falling productivity Reduced profit and investment
Cost-benefit analysis of HIV workplace programmes in South Africa Study done in 10 companies in South Africa with a total of 7,149 employees(2008) HIV prevalence in these companies estimated to be13% Aggregated costs of HIV and AIDS likely to surpass USD 53 million over a 5-year period, with no HIV intervention. Potential savings through HIV programme, including antiretroviral treatment is 47% of the aggregated cost. The intervention of providing anti-retroviral therapy to employees using a treatment protocol of CD4 at 350 has the highest programme costs but also generates the highest level of savings. The savings are expected to be in the order of 51% of the nil intervention cost. These savings are increased if some of the treatment costs are covered by the medical scheme the financial impact on the company
How can businesses respond? Workplace policy & prog. for employees and families HIV prog. for community HIV prog. for supply chains Public Private Partnership (PPP) helps 5
Ghana Employers’ Association (GEA) Involved in HIV/AIDS activities since 2001. Has a full-time staff to coordinate the programme. Collaborates with the Ghana Trades Union Congress and the NGO Centre for AIDS Information Network (CAIN). Advocates with employers for the treatment of workers with HIV Offers training to member companies. Engages with small-scale entrepreneurs from the informal economy. Implements the private sector component of Ghana’s Global Fund grant for Round 8 with the ILO and other partners.
Businesses and HIV: Key Lessons Mandatory HIV testing did not work. Externally funded interventions at workplaces are not sustainable. Involvement of “beneficiaries” at all stages is crucial Leadership and management’s commitment is the key to success. Cost of implementation is minimal, compared to benefits. Confidence from a successful workplace programme triggers PPP and vice-versa. Pulling efforts together has greater impact. 7
Relevant ILO instruments Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration, 2000). The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and rights at work (1998) An ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS and world of work (2001). First International Labour Standard on HIV & AIDS and the World of Work - Recommendation concerning HIV and AIDS and the World of Work, 2010 (no. 200) Prevent HIV, Protect Human Rights at Work
“ One of the tests of leadership is the ability to recognize a problem before it becomes an emergency.”
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