Progress of 2016 Work Plan implementation by HIV, TB&AI EG 21st Meeting of EG Chairs and ITAs, 25 August 2016, Moscow
Background info The HIV, TB&AI EG follows the EG’s work plan for 2016 Developed in spring 2016 and adopted by the CSR Is part of the NDPHS Work Plan for 2016 and contributes to the implementation of the 2020 NDPHS Strategy and its Accompanying Plan Is based on a EG’s work plan matrix for Objective 1 of the NDPHS Strategy 2020, and spans a 2-year period (2016-2017)
Brief overview of progress (as of 25 Aug 2016) Actions Progress 1.1. Assess the current state of how many countries and to what extent implement the recommendations of the NDPHS Statement “Impact of the HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis on people and economies of the Northern Dimension Countries – status quo and the way forward”. Questionnaire form designed in May-June Distributed to EG experts for filling out Questionnaires returned in August Tentative results to be presented at 3rd Meeting of the HIV, TB&AI EG in St-Petersburg on 15-16 September Deep analysis and reporting will follow in autumn 2016 with results distributed widely (e.g. conferences and NDPHS newsletter) 1.2. To prepare a project proposal for comprehensive analysis of the implementation of NDPHS Statement “Impact of the HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis on people and economies of the Northern Dimension Countries – status quo and the way forward”. Concept paper for ENI funding prepared in spring 2016 and submitted to the NDPHS Secretariat for further processing Was rejected by the European Commission
Actions Progress 2.1. Contribute to planning and implementation of the Vilnius Communicable Disease Week in late June 2016 Chair and some experts of the EG took part in designing and implementation of the event (plenary session IV) 2.2. Participate at the meetings of the Advisory Board of the EU’s Joint Action HA-REACT On a regular basis 2.3. Initiate and promote cooperation with relevant HIV and TB experts from Belarus Contacts established with Belarus Pulmonology and Phthisiology Research Institute and Belarus Office of IOM 2.4. Share information about the EG’s activity at relevant seminars, conferences and meetings and look for possible synergies On regular basis (e.g. Vilnius Communicable Disease Week, HA-REACT meetings, etc.) 2.5. Establish collaboration links with relevant networks (e.g. AIDS Action Europe/Clearing House, HIV/AIDS Think Tank) Pending
Pending, otherwise good contacts with the IOM Actions Progress 2.6. Establish collaboration with the health authorities of the Ministries of Justice Pending 2.7. Establish collaboration with the authorities concerned with migration Pending, otherwise good contacts with the IOM 2.8. Maintain cooperation with the Barents HIV and TB Programmes Representatives of the EG are present and report at the Barents meetings of the Joint Working Group on Health and Related Social Issues as well as Barents HIV and TB Programmes’ Steering Groups 2.9. Prepare a list of relevant NGOs and other stakeholders and networks within partner countries and regionally 2.10. Document the list of relevant NGOs, stakeholders and networks in the NDPHS website
Actions Progress 2.11. To initiate cross-sectoral study visits for experts on prison health, infectious diseases, primary health care, alcohol and substance abuse and mental health Links established with the Prison EG through participation at each other’s meetings, otherwise pending 3.1. Organize a workshop on HIV/AIDS and TB and migration where to share different policies and practices in the ND area As option, within International Congress “HIV Infection and Immunosuppressive Conditions. Epidemiology and Modern Strategies” 17-18 October 2016 in St-Petersburg 3.2. Dedicate one of the EG meetings to discuss gaps and key areas in preventive actions and identify core elements in a well-functioning prevention and care chain In 2017 4.1. Produce and disseminate (via the NDPHS website, newsletter and/or media events) analytical conclusions and action proposals towards the national authorities responsible for HIV, TB and AI Pending