Welcome to Miss Jacobson’s 5th Grade Class!
Organization! The 5th Grade teachers worked really hard on creating a system to keep our kiddos organized! Each scholar has received these supplies: 1 Pencil Pouch 1 Glue Stick 1 Pair of scissors 1 Green Pen/ 1 Red Pen 1 Highlighter 1 Expo Marker 3 Notebooks 1 Homework Planner 1 Homework Folder
Organization Cont. Scholars will be responsible for taking their homework folder, and bringing it back to school EVERYDAY! Please check their homework folder every night, as important documents go home! Scholars are responsible for the items in their binder and folders. If their supply no longer works, they MUST give me their old one in exchange for a new one. I will not hand out new supplies until I receive the old one!
Greeting Each morning I will begin the day with a motivational video to get the scholars thinking. If you have any motivational videos that you would like me to share, please send them to me!
Core Knowledge Curriculum The Core Knowledge Curriculum is a spiraling curriculum. We build on many subjects that the students have learned in previous grades. Each of us will be reading a classic novel within our own class. These novels include: The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Little Women, an excerpt from Sherlock Holmes, and many more.
Writing We have a beautiful new Writing Program! The scholars will be writing for at least 30 minutes each day. I will have the opportunity to meet with EACH scholar once a week to go over their writing! They will use the Pencil Clip Chart to keep track of where they are in the Process. They will be writing in their Writer’s Notebook, and will be typing their final draft in class.
Grammar We will be using Shurley English for our Grammar Program. Grammar will be done in class, but I may occasionally send a page home for homework. Scholars will learn jingles, and work in the workbook with me during class. I will collect the workbook pages at the end of each chapter. If the pages are not complete, they will not get credit!
Language Arts We will be reading a classic novel together in class. Most of the reading will be done in class, though in some cases I may have the scholars take the book home and read on their own. We will have literature circles, in which each scholar is assigned a job. For example, one person will lead the conversation, one will find definitions to unfamiliar words, one will connect what we are reading to our lives today, and so on. Each year, a scholar will receive a “keep book”. By the end of their time at John Adams Academy, they should have a wonderful library filled with classic books. Our keep book for the year is Sherlock Holmes.
Math The scholars will be working on their interactive notebooks in class! They will be assigned 30 problems a day, and will have class time to work on it. They will be given a math packet on Monday, and it will be due the following Monday. The scholars are responsible for one math lesson a night.
Absent? If your scholar is absent, they will receive and “Absent Folder” with a checklist of assignments inside. The scholar has two days from the day they return to school to finish the assignments. Please let me know if your scholar will be out for an extended amount of time so that I may make other arrangements! Please be sure to return the “Absent Folder”! I only have a few! The “Absent Folder” only includes the work done is class. Please check the webpage for HW
Webpage My Webpage!
Specials This year, we are fortunate enough to have a Music teacher, an Art teacher, a Latin teacher, and a P.E. teacher! Each teacher will align what they are teaching with what we are learning about in 5th Grade.
Homework Homework is an important part of 5th Grade. However, most of the work will be completed in class. In Math, we will begin a lesson for the day. Scholars will have time in class to work on the assignment, and whatever they do not finish, it will be sent home for homework. Much of the other work will be completed in class. Generally, the only homework scholars will have is any work that they did not finish in class. If a scholar does not turn in his or her work, they must fill out a “Missing Work Log”. I will accept the assignment for half credit if they turn it in the following day.
Missing Work When a scholar does not return their work on the day it is due, they will fill out the “Missing Work Log”. They also have to log that they did not bring their work on a chart. They will receive a bench pass to finish their work during recess, as well as a small “fine”. You will receive weekly updates on Friday that will let you know which assignments they are missing. Late work is low priority for me, so it may show that they did not turn it in. Look for my initials!
Reading Log In lieu of reading logs, the scholars will be responsible for a book report every other month. However, it is crucial that your scholar is reading every night!
Mentors Mentors are a vital part of John Adams Academy. Unfortunately, K-6 is no longer a part of the Mentor Program. If you are interested in becoming a mentor, please let me know! We would love to have you share your knowledge with us. You are a valuable resource for our scholars.
No Name Policy As our scholars are now in 5th Grade, I expect them to write their name on their papers! I have a “no name” board where I will put papers with no names. A paper with no name automatically has five points deducted from the assignment. All papers with no names will be thrown away each Friday, meaning the scholars will receive a zero on their assignment.
Communication Communication is key! Please feel free to reach out to me at ANY time. My contact information is in the beginning of your welcome packet. The best way to reach me is through e-mail. I will be sending any communication through ParentSquare!