ITALY: ANIMAL POUNDS APE – Itis Pininfarina Powerpoint Templates
According to a survey, in Italy there are more than 44 million domestic pets, mainly cats, dogs, fish and canaries 6.900.000 dogs 12.100.000 birds 7.400.000 cats 500.000 rodents 15.800.000 fish 1.400.000 other animals
The officially registered dogs in Piedmont (Registry office) are 536 The officially registered dogs in Piedmont (Registry office) are 536.904 on 29th October 2010. In Torino, the Municipality has two dog pounds: The Canile Rifugio receives abandoned dogs and cats, waiting for adoption. Inside there are 5 rooms with outdoor areas that give shelter to 100 cats. It is considered one of the most functional ponds in Piedmont. The Canile Sanitario, quite close to the previous one, receives stray dogs and cats found on the municipality area and that need care. They are kept under observation for 10 days then, if they don’t need particular therapies, they can be adopted.
In our province there are 16 private dog pounds In our province there are 16 private dog pounds. These structures are self-financed and operate thanks to donations and volunteering. Here stray dogs cannot be sheltered, only abandoned or found animals. Besides general donations, the private citizen can donate 5/1000 of his own taxable income to these pounds. Adoption is simple and free of charge, it is sufficient to fill in a form and give the consent.
Cats colonies that live free on both public and private territory are protected by National Laws (n. 281/91), Regional Laws (L.R. 34/93, DPGR 4359/93), by the article n. 727 of the penal code and are protected by the Mayor. These colonies can’t be displaced and their care and feeding mustn’t be hindered. About 900 cat colonies are present in our province.
Unfortunately it is difficult to find a home for all the dogs and cats hosted in the pounds, particularly for old animals and they risk to spend their entire life and die in the same pound.
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