West of England Joint Transport Study TRANSPORT VISION
Background: The West of England’s travel patterns Process and Goals: how the Transport Vision was developed Consultation: Shaping the final Vision Transport Vision: conclusions from the JTS Incorporation of findings into next JLTP
Our transport network… The West of England – 1.1 million people, half a million jobs High car dependency – leading to problems with congestion, air quality, accessibility and resilience Dispersed travel patterns Recent progress – cycling, bus and rail travel Current major scheme programme: construction of MetroBus is nearing completion, preparations for MetroWest Phase 1 and 2 rail schemes continue to advance. Strategic infrastructure including M49 Junction and GW electrification
Congestion and Resilience Key Routes – regional and national importance Junction Hotspots Network Resilience
Constraining our growth potential… 105,000 new dwellings up to 2036 Future job creation: key sectors, Enterprise Zones and Enterprise Areas
Developing the Transport Vision Support Economic Growth Reduce Carbon Emissions Quality of Life & Environment Safety, Health & Security Promote Accessibility Twenty year strategy to address current challenges and accommodate future growth Importance and wider benefits of our strategic network Closely linked to the Emerging Spatial Strategy Working with Highways England as study partner Scale of Ambition Evolving transport technology
Transport Vision International Technology and Smarter Choices Active Travel Buses MetroBus Light Rail Interchange and Park & Ride Rail Highway Investment Port and Airport Freight Road space allocation Financial Measures International Managing traffic and a resilient road network Healthy, low carbon walking and cycling journeys Transforming connectivity by public transport National National Sub-Regional Sub-Regional Local Local Local
Level of agreement with elements of the package
Conclusions from consultation Strong support for smarter choices, active travel, bus and rail. Support for reallocation of road-space and diversion of through traffic Support for light rail on key corridors, particularly to Airport Strong support for improved rail services and (in general) new stations. Majority support for Park & Ride but some strong opinions, particularly in Bath. Majority support for new and improved roads, but significant issues with certain schemes near Bath and in North Somerset. Positive responses to the concept of financial tools to help pay for the Vision.
Transport Vision
Public Transport Park & Ride MetroBus Mass Transit
Road Network New / improved roads and junctions
Detail of the Draft Vision Outcomes: Forecast Mode Shift Detail of the Draft Vision
Detail of the Draft Vision Costs Outturn cost Behaviour Change £0.65 billion Strategic Cycle Routes £0.4 billion Bus Network £0.35 billion MetroBus £0.63 billion Mass Transit £2.6 billion + Park & Ride £0.2 billion Rail £1.0 billion Road Network £3.1 billion Total £8.9 billion + Detail of the Draft Vision
Funding Highly ambitious, equivalent to expenditure of £450 million+ per annum Current national infrastructure pipeline: 1.0% of GDP spent on UK transport Strong case for increased investment in the West of England New funding sources must be found Also consider revenue cost implications
Next Steps Develop new Joint Local Transport Plan JSP Infrastructure Delivery Plan Feasibility work, prioritisation and programming of schemes Options for mass transit Investigate road-space reallocation on urban corridors Further feasibility work on new and improved road corridors Options for reducing goods traffic entering Bristol and Bath Consideration of the scope for financial tools to support mode shift targets and generate new funding.
Level of agreement with light rail on some corridors
Diverting non-local traffic to accommodate sustainable travel
Use of financial tools to help pay for the transport vision