Advertising and Promotion Research Chapter 7 Advertising and Promotion Research
Key Issues in Advertising and Promotion Research Reliability: The research method produces consistent findings over time. Validity: The information generated is relevant to the research questions being investigated. Trustworthiness: Usually applied to qualitative data; does the data seem to make sense? Meaningfulness: An assessment of limitations of the data. Ch 7: Research 2
Developmental Ad Research Conducted early in the process Purposes: Idea Generation Concept Testing Audience Definition Audience Profiling Ch 7: Research 3
Developmental Advertising Research Methods Focus Groups Brainstorming session with 6 to 12 customers May involve projective techniques Allow consumers to project thoughts and feelings onto neutral stimuli May also use association tests Ask consumers to express thoughts or feelings after hearing a brand or seeing a logo Ch 7: Research 4
Developmental Advertising Research Methods Other methods include Projective Techniques Association Tests Sentence and Picture Completion Dialogue Balloons Story Construction Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique (ZMET) Ch 7: Research 5
Developmental Advertising Research Methods (con’t) Moremethods include Field Work Learn from the experiences of the consumer through direct observation “Cool Hunts” On the prowl for what is cool Ch 7: Research 6
Developmental Advertising Research Methods (con’t) Internal company sources Government sources Commercial sources Professional publications Ch 7: Research 7
Copy Research Research on the actual ads Used to judge the ads against a standard Sometimes a source of agency conflict Ch 7: Research 8
Evaluative Criteria “Getting It.” Knowledge Attitude change Do consumers understand the ad? Knowledge Tests of recall and recognition Attitude change Determine where a brand stands Feelings and emotions Physiological changes Changes in eye movements or respiration Behavior Will people buy the product? Ch 7: Research 9
What sort of “feelings and emotions” do you think research would uncover for this ad?
Copy Research Methods Communication Tests Resonance Tests Are consumers getting the message? Resonance Tests To what extent does the ad ring true? Thought Listings Determine the thoughts that occur during exposure Recall Tests How much does the viewer remember from the message? Ch 7: Research 11
Copy Research Methods (con’t) Recognition Tests Do people remember seeing an ad or sponsor? Attitude Change Studies Measure attitudes before and after exposure Physiological Tests Eye tracking, psychogalvanometer, voice response analysis Pilot Testing Testing multiple versions of an ad Ch 7: Research 12
What sort of problems would these two ads create in the in the advertising research process?
Copy Research Methods (con’t) Tracking studies Assess performance of ads during or after a campaign launch Direct Response Track consumer inquiries or direct responses Single Source Data Use UPC product codes to track behavior from the TV to the checkout counter Frame-by-Frame Tests Ask consumers to register feelings while viewing commercials Ch 7: Research 14
Account Planning versus Advertising Research Planning differs from traditional research in 3 ways: Account Planner Ad Researcher An account planner works with an account executive Research handled by the ad research department Researchers put in more prominent role Researchers involved when needed Emphasize qualitative and naturalistic research Emphasize quantitative research Ch 7: Research 15
Another thought on message testing No single method is perfect Researchers are employing more naturalistic methods to understand how people use media Ch 7: Research 16
What we need Ad research could do with some changes West coast agencies and British agencies have embraced qualitative methods Ads are now often viewed as complex social texts rather than equivalent of high school debates Ch 7: Research 17
Audience definition is an important part of the advertising/promotion research process. Any ideas on the audience for this ad?