HCAL DAQ Path Upgrades Current DCC Status New DCC Hardware Software Selective Readout ECAL overview HCAL proposal ZS threshold / data size study Monte-Carlo work underway 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
Current DCC Status No errors reported in HTR/DCC links Few BcN and OrN problems No LoS DCCs running smoothly DCC Spares are critical! 10 Spare boards exist 5 shipped to CERN where a net (-1) spares existed After CASTOR, H2 etc there are only about 2 real spares 1 returned to Maryland for test stand (ongoing need) 2 have broken again after repair 2 in use in BU test stand 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
New DCC Two reviews held. Prototypes underway; production awaits decision from USCMS management Hardware PCB layout nearly done. Will send out after initial firmware done to avoid FPGA pinout problems. Parts for 10 prototypes now on order FPGAs were donated by Xilinx. We should have prototype boards (assembled) in early Nov. Firmware Well underway. Initially will use most VHDL from existing DCC main Xilinx chip (event builder). Register footprint for Xilinx same as current DCC ”LRB” much simpler with no configuration registers 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
New DCC Overview Single VME slot; 15 HTR spigots, Ethernet, TTC, TTS on front P3 rear transition module used for S-Link, selective readout Xilinx XC3S200A FPGA 32MByte DDR SDRAM XC3SD1800A 64MByte TTCrx UMD board LVDS Tx TTS TTC Buffers VME VME64x S-Link LSC DAQ Data TP Out Readout bits in Out In 6U transition module at rear of crate 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
Layout picture from Mr Wu 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
Selective Readout DAQ limits HCAL to 2k bytes / FED (1 DCC, 288 channels) 60 words per half-HTR (24 channels) per event average (1 word = 1 TP or 1 Digi) This is 15% occupancy maximum (for 10 time samples) We must set a corresponding zero-suppression threshold in each HTR so that we meet this limit We may miss important physics because of this Selective readout would make better use of this bandwidth New DCC will be capable of buffering non-ZS data from 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
ZS Event Sizes Now Global run 62064 first 1k Evt (from EricDIM) All HCAL mean = 3600 bytes HBHEa mean = 4600 bytes (HBHEb/c are very similar) HO mean = 2200 bytes HF mean = 2400 bytes 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
Selective Readout Proposal Send all HCAL TP and ECAL SR flags to (new) processor Apply readout selection algorithms Send readout flags back to (new) DCC to control readout Let's briefly review the ECAL system, which is already installed... 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
2008-09-17 E. Hazen
2008-09-17 E. Hazen
2008-09-17 E. Hazen
ECAL Selective Readout Processor 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
spare opto transmitters) We can get a copy of the SR flags from here (SRP) or here (DCC) (both have sufficient spare opto transmitters) 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
HCAL Selective Readout ECAL TCCs TT Flags ECAL SRP ECAL DCCs SR Flags Fibers (54) SLink HCAL Readout Processor SR flag copy to HCAL HCAL DCCs HCAL TPs each L1A ~ 30MBytes/sec Fibers or cables (32/64) Readout mask 288 bits = 4 MBytes/s SLink DAQ Data Channels selected by readout mask only 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
Hardware Required SR Processor for HCAL would need: 54 + 32 = 86 optical inputs (or 32 from HCAL could be Cat5) 32 optical or Cat5 outputs Intercommuncation between modules Relatively modest processing FPGA resources Two options come to mind: ECAL SRP boards (spares available for tests; could build more) + standard 6U VME, already designed – relatively expensive uTCA Matrix boards + get early experience with uTCA – boards not available yet – new technology 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
Monte Carlo work Initially, need occupancy vs threshold (with correct pedestals and noise) We will want this anyway to set thresholds for 100kHz triggers Work starting (Jim, Arno) Analysis of various SR algorithms Readout HCAL behind electrons, photons from ECAL Readout HO behind HB Lower threshold around jets in HCAL 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
Backup Slides 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
Selective Readout EVO meeting with J.C. DaSilva, I. Mandjavidze, P. Gras of ECAL group on 9/11. Learned several things: ECAL Selective readout flags can be duplicated in ECAL SRP and sent to us on spare fiber outputs. ECAL guys did a trial fit in their firmware and confirmed this is no problem. Existing ECAL SRP hardware is actually a good fit for our needs. We would need 8 of their boards for an HCAL system. They have 6 spares; presumably we could borrow 1 or 2 for a test. I asked ECAL for a cost estimate. They say: Total 5320€ per card (!) Maybe we could build them cheaper 1) VME board with soldered components: 2500€ including 1900€ xc2vp70-6-f1704 Virtex2Pro FPGA from Xilinx 2) Four pluggable parallel optic modules 1500€ 3) Production 1250€ (PCB + component soldering) including systematic X-ray, Takaya flying probe and JTAG tests The alternative to use the maxtrix uTCA board is viable too, but the ECAL hardware is available now 2008-09-17 E. Hazen
HTR Readout Limitations Selective Readout requires that HTR send non-zero-suppressed data. For 10 timesamples + 1 TP per channel each HTR must send 11 * (24 ch) + (20 words overhead) = 284 words at 100kHz this is 28MHz word rate The HTR/DCC link runs at 40MHz, so this should in principle be ok BUT, a series of simple tests https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Main/HTRBufferingLimits show that the current limit is about 9 MHz word rate before HTR starts to send empty events. Tullio says this is no surprise... it was not optimized, however the current design is limited to 20MHz at best (too slow). This can probably be fixed in the HTR firmware 2008-09-17 E. Hazen