Helpful hints when applying to College Research your college options, choose one or more to apply to! It is helpful to have your transcript in front of you, along with your social security number. For our in state universities, some will ask you if you want to self-report or send in your transcripts – CHOOSE SELF-REPORT! Type slow - #1 problem with errors is typo’s! It will take a lot of time to change an application once it’s submitted. If you live in Arizona and you don’t choose AZ and choose AL – in Arizona you will be considered a non-resident! No typo’s! If you are on free and/or reduced lunch, see Mrs. Lytle in the Career Center for a fee waiver! Don’t pay the $$!! Make sure you order your transcript through parchment but only if you are not SELF REPORTING! HAVE PATIENCE AND WAIT TO HEAR BACK FROM THEM! GOOD LUCK!
COLLEGE TERMINOLOGY Apprenticeships –Learn while you earn! (construction heavy equipment, plumber, electrician) Certificates – typically less than 1 year programs (massage therapy, nail tech, etc.) 2 year degree – This is called an Associates (Nursing) 4 year degree – This is called a Bachelors (University level only) Post-Bach – This is a 2nd bachelors degree after 1st college graduation Masters degree – typically 2-3 years beyond bachelors Graduate degree – This would be a masters, doctorate, etc (law school, med school, dental school, vet school).
DEADLINES ASU Barrett Honors College Priority Deadline is Nov. 1st! Community College - Apply! Apply to MOST colleges by November 1st – don’t put this off to the last minute! FAFSA (financial aid) opens up this year on October 1, 2017
Interested in becoming an N.C.A.A. COLLEGE ATHLETE? You must do the following: - Follow the rules and guidelines in the “NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete”. -You will register on-line. with the NCAA Eligibility Center EARLY FALL OF YOUR SENIOR YEAR. See Mr. Maluski (C125) if you have questions! YOU MUST REGISTER ON-LINE AT:
HHS COLLEGE VISITATION Hamilton High School Career Center has over 50 college representatives visiting each fall. Sign up online at – at the Career Center website OR see Mrs. Lytle in D100. Remember! The majority of college representatives are the same person reading your application! Here’s your chance to make a good impression! Our in-state colleges will visit monthly. Plan on visiting with them at least once to make sure you have everything done that needs to be done!
Top Factors in State UniversitY Admissions Student transcript – GPA, grades, strength of schedule, class rank Test Scores – ACT or SAT Personal Statement (if required)
Teacher/Counselor Recommendations Use the college form if a teacher recommendation is required – give the form to the teacher so they can have additional information about you to include in their letter. (available on the career center website) If applying via the Common Application, OR the NEW Coalition, let your teacher and counselor know the request will be coming through their email. It would also be a good idea to give them a list of the schools you are applying to (with recommendation deadline dates). If a rec letter is sent through the Postal Service by the teacher, the student should call the school, or check your online portal to confirm the letter was received. This is not the teacher or counselors responsibility. For counselor recommendations, see your counselor at least two weeks ahead of time. You need a personal meeting! LAST THING – BE PREPARED A TEACHER/COUNSELOR MAY SAY NO TO YOUR REQUEST IF YOU WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!!
NEED MONEY$$$$??? Sometimes colleges give extra money if they feel you need extra financial help or based on your merit (grades and entrance test scores) DO NOT decide where you are applying to based on your financial need. Apply, get accepted, then see what they offer! U of A - $42,400 ASU - $42,400
Please note: You are considered a first-generation college student if neither one of your parents have received a bachelors degree!
Fee Waivers If you are on the free or reduced lunch program you are eligible for a fee waiver to apply to our Arizona Universities. You are also eligible to receive 2 fee waivers to take the ACT and SAT. See Mrs. Lytle for details.
Chandler Center for the ARTS FINANCIAL AID NIGHT September 27, 2017 Chandler Center for the ARTS 6:00pm-8:00pm Topics to be discussed include: -cost of attendance for college -factors determining financial need -grants and loans SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!
SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Where do you find the information? ** Career Center Website** Information Tab Career Center START LOOKING NOW!!!
CAREER ADVISING Here’s the scoop … Have you taken a Career Inventory recently? It takes some people a lot longer to decide on their career than others, find out what your strengths are, read about careers relating to these strengths, take introductory classes in high school and college!
MILITARY REPRESENTATIVES WHO: MARINES AIR FORCE NAVY ARMY WHEN: See Mrs. Lytle for the weekly calendar! WHERE: During lunch, in the foyer
SENIOR TO DO LIST! Sign up for ACT or SAT if you have not taken them yet! Apply to College! – Fee waivers available for in-state schools if you are on a free or reduced lunch program. Start looking for and applying to scholarships. Sign up for College Visits – How? On Be careful of scams! Sign up for my REMIND.COM – on my website. CHECK your email regularly!! Colleges and scholarships do not TEXT! IMPACT Chandler through the Chandler Education Foundation community service hours are due no later than April 1st! ACT/SAT – Fee waivers available College apps – ASU now, U of A and NAU soon. Transcripts – always include “send sat/act scores” Bulletin for scholarships - FLINN
The Career Center has a job board!! Did you know??? The Career Center has a job board!!
There are other choices besides college! We have a construction career day that you should see me about if you are wanting to work in the construction field! Apprenticeship programs are available! Ask me about them! If you feel lost on what to do first, that’s what I’m here for! There is never a dumb question! APPLYING FOR FINANCIAL AID THROUGH THROUGH THE FAFSA STARTS OCTOBER 1! MANY GREAT PROGRAMS HAVE DUE DATES TO GET THIS DONE – DON’T PROCRASTINATE!
October Break Plans? Get those college applications done or at least started! Check the due dates! Visit your colleges! Top reason students don’t attend some of the colleges they are accepted to are because they NEVER visited them! Complete your FAFSA REST! This year will be full of To Do’s! Get all information required for scholarships and do them! Many have already expired so don’t put this off!