Creation of an Online Module to Teach Pediatric Residents Poster Presentation Skills Melissa Smith-Phillips, MD* and Nigel Bourne, PhD** *UTMB Pediatrics Residency Program, PGY-3 and **UTMB Department of Pediatrics Abstract Results The UTMB Pediatric Residency Program requires residents to participate in a scholarly activity project which is presented at a poster session during a local CME conference in the third year. Our project was designed to improve resident education in the area of presentation of scientific data. We developed an online learning module to provide residents with information about the process of presenting their required scholarly project in poster format. The module provides self-directed study on a number of topics including abstract writing, data presentation, poster creation, and defending the poster. Third year Residents who tested the module reported increased knowledge of and comfort with abstract writing, and creation and presentation of their Scholarly activity project posters. This module has been included in the formal research education curriculum for future classes of residents. Pre-testing confirmed that PGY-3s had limited knowledge about preparing abstracts and poster with only 50 % (4/8) reporting having written an abstract and 25% (2/8) a poster. This was also reflected in the mean score for the knowledge assessment portion of the test (48%) Further, the Likert question portion of the test showed that they felt considerable uncertainty about their abilities to fulfill this requirement (See Figures below) When tested after using the module the PGY-3s knowledge of the process was significantly improved with the mean score increasing to 64% (p=0.04, Paired t-test). In addition they reported increased comfort with all areas of the process (abstract writing, poster design, and oral presentation of data; See Figures). Introduction Current ACGME requirements for Pediatric Residency Programs include that “Residents should participate in scholarly activity1”. Participation in research during residency is a predictor of future participation in research and may advance the career goals of residents planning academic or sub-specialty careers. Studies show that lack of knowledge about how to perform research is one obstacle to successful completion of research projects2,3. Despite this, there is little consensus on how best to teach research to residents3. One of the aspects of research that residents in our program have found challenging is turning their research project into a poster presentation to meet program requirements. Our goal was to develop a short online module to supplement current research didactics, increase resident confidence with their research skills, and improve overall resident research education in our program. Methods Module Creation The module was created in Softchalk4, online educational software. Topics covered in the module include writing abstracts, the components of a poster, designing a poster, choosing a format to present data, and oral presentation of a poster. Sample posters are provided for research projects and case reports. The module is available on a UTMB Residency hosted educational website via direct URL link. The module is self-contained and self-paced. Testing showed that the module could be completed in approximately one hour. An initial version of the module was evaluated for both design and content by a number of Pediatric faculty with experience in mentoring residents, and by both faculty and graduate students with experience in research presentations. The module was revised in response to the feedback obtained before being tested with PGY-3s who will be the final users. Summary and Conclusions PYG-3s find preparing and defending a poster describing their scholarly activity project stressful. Their concerns are due in part to a lack of confidence because they lack knowledge about the process. Consequently we created an self-directed online module to educate them about data presentation and poster creation skills. PYG-3s who used the module had increased knowledge and increased confidence in their ability to fulfill this requirement. We believe the module is a useful educational resource for residents. It has been included in the education curriculum of upcoming resident classes. References ACGME Program Requirements for Graduate Medical Education in Pediatrics. IV.B.2. July 1, 2013. Portals/0/PFAssets/2013-PR-FAQ- PIF/320_pediatrics_07012013.pdf Accessed 4/23/14. Completing a scholarly project during residency training. Perspectives of residents who have been successful. Rivera JA, Levine RB, Wright SM. J Gen Intern Med. 2005 Apr;20(4):366-9. A systematic review of resident research curricula. Hebert RS, Levine RB, Smith CG, Wright SM. Acad Med. 2003 Jan;78(1):61-8. 4. Softchalk 7,, Used under UTMB site license Module Testing Prior to being given access to the module, current PGY-3s were administered a pre-test consisting of 14 multiple choice questions to assess their knowledge about writing abstracts, data presentation and poster creation, and 6 Likert item questions to self-assess their comfort with the process. After testing, residents were provided access to the module and allowed to work through it individually and at their own pace. Post-testing was done after residents had completed the module. Texas Pediatric Society Electronic Poster Contest