Institution represented by the author(s) Article title AUTHORS’ DETAILS Institution represented by the author(s) Introduction The sources should be cited using APA style. If the picture is the author’s original work, only picture number and caption should be stated. Samples for including pictures in the work are given below. Picture 1. Picture caption (Source: Authors, year) Picture 2. Picture caption (Adapted from: Authors, year) The size of the frame for the text in the Results section is 38 by 68 cm. Please try to fit the results of your research into this frame without changing its size. This is a poster format template for the Poster Session of the Twenty-second International Scientific Conference on Strategic Management 2017. The poster layout is pre-defined and given in this template. The text of this template should be replaced with the actual contents of your work. The poster size is A0, i.e. 84.1 by 118.9 cm. The default font for the poster text is Cambria, 24 points, Regular. The space between paragraphs should be 14 points. The inner margins of the frame where the text is inserted should be set at 0.5 points. The space between paragraphs should be set as follows: Spacing, After 14 points. The size of the frame for inserting the text in the Introduction section is 38 by 25 centimetres. Please try to fit your Introduction into this frame without changing its size. Aims and methods The aims achieved by your research should be defined and described clearly. In addition to the aims, the theoretical and methodological basis for your research should also be defined, as well as the methods used in your research. The research may be empirical, theoretical, or empirically-theoretical in character. If tables are used in your article, the table number and caption should be placed above the table, aligned right. The table number and caption should be printed in Cambria font, 24 points, Bold, Italic. If the table was taken from another source, it should be stated in parentheses, in the next line below the table number and caption. The publisher’s permission should be obtained for including the table in your work. If the table was adapted from a source, you should state that it was adapted, as well as the original source. The source should be cited in APA style. If the table is the author’s original work, only the table number and caption should be stated. The data in the table should be printed in Cambria font, Regular, 22 points. Titles of rows and columns should be printed in Cambria, Bold 24 points, and the rows with totals and subtotals should be printed in Cambria, Bold, Italic, 24 points. The examples are given below. Table 1. Table caption (Source: Authors, years) Table 2. Table caption The frame size for the text in the Aims and Methods section is 38 by 40 cm. Please try to fit your Aims and Methods section into this frame without changing its size. Conclusions The Conclusions section should precisely state and explain the conclusions reached by your research. In addition to conclusions, you should state and explain the further course of research based on your work. The size of the frame for the text in the Conclusions section is 38 by 27 cm. Please try to fit the conclusions of your research into this frame without changing its size. Column1 Column2 Row1 Data Row2 Total Column1 Column2 Row1 Data Row2 Total Results The Results section should clearly present the results of the conducted research. If another source is cited in the article, the source should be listed in the References. References in the text should be cited in parentheses, with the name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication of the scientific work. If the source is quoted, the quotation should be printed within quotation marks, while the source should be stated after the quotation marks in parentheses, stating the name of the author, the year of publication of the work and the number of page(s) the quotation was taken from. These are the samples for referencing other sources (Name, Year) and “quoting if an identical section of an earlier published work is used” (Name, Year, pp. Page numbers). When several used works written by the same author were published in the same year, they must be cited adding lower-case letters distinguishing years (Name, a, Year). The subesquent source would be cited as follows: (Name, b, Year). If pictures are used in your work, they should be black and white, and duly marked. The pictures are marked as follows: The picture number and caption should be placed under the picture, aligned left. The font for picture numbers and captions is Cambria, 24 points, Bold, Italic. If the picture was taken from another source, the source should be stated in parentheses in the next row under the picture number and caption. The publisher’s permission should be obtained for including the picture in your work. If the picture was taken from another source, the source should be stated in parentheses below the picture number and caption. The publisher’s permission for using the picture should also be obtained. If the picture was adapted from a source, you should state that it was adapted, as well as the original source. Selected references The sources used in writing your paper should be cited according to Version 6.0 of the APA style. The size of the frame for listing the references is 38 by 19 cm. Please choose only 5 of most significant references and insert them into this frame without changing it's dimensions. Detailed instructions for using the 6.0 version of APA style are available online: 22th International Scientific Conference SM2017 Strategic Management and Strategic Management Support Systems