Materiali didattici These educational materials were designed within the project Ethika: Ethics and Values Education in Schools and Kindergartens Ethika for moral education in pre-primary, primary and secondary schools. The topics chosen together with teachers and parents coming from Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Germany and Austria through focus groups and questionnaires are: Conflict resolution, Ethical action, Justice, Respect, Responsibility, Self esteem. Each material is accompanied by key learning points as well as several interesting facts or pieces of information which are intended to be used to provoke further discussion. The most appropriate age group and related emotional intelligence are indicated. Materials can be used according to the: Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike license This project has been funded with the support of the European Union and the Slovenian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Union and the Slovenian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein
Hi kids! I beat you didn’t expect me dropping in your class.
Do you know who I am?
Do you know what my superpowers are?
Yea, it’s web knitting hahaha! Wolverine! I see you chopped off your sense of humor with your knives.
Hmmm, good one Spiderman. Humor is my second superpower.
I don’t know about that, but I do know that these kids often imagine to have some powers. Hmm, let’s see. Kids, if you were a superhero, what would your superpowers be?
For what would you use them? Why?
Hey Spiddy, tell them that thing that you always say about the power. O yea! Once someone told me that with great power, comes a great responsibility!
Do you kids agree with this statement? What does it mean?
What powers do you have in real life? Do you have a power of making somebody happy?
How about taking care of others? Is that a power? How about taking care of others?
Can you now name some powers that you have? How do you do that? Can you now name some powers that you have?
So what would be your responsibility towards does powers? What a minute! I just realized we haven’t really talked about what is a responsibility!
You are right! So kids what do you think: What is a responsibility? What are your responsibilities in everyday life?
Is it hard to be responsible person? Why?
Is there a difference between responsibility and obligation? Try to think of an example for both of them and then compare it?
Do we need to have responsibilities? Why? What would happen if we didn’t have responsibilities?
Are you responsible towards your talents, skills and actions? Hmmm does that mean that you are responsible for your own happiness?
Is being responsible a choice? Is there a difference between the responsibilities that you choose and responsibilities that society have ordered? Is being responsible a choice?
So are you responsible or irresponsible person? Is there a difference of being responsible for yourself and being responsible for other people?
Something like a fun homework so be responsible about it. We need to get back to our responsibilities, but before we do that, we have one task for you! Something like a fun homework so be responsible about it.
Make a comic book abut some responsibility that you have in life. You can describe your superpowers in it!
Puf. He always likes to walkout dramatically Puf! He always likes to walkout dramatically. I’ll do it in the old fashion way. Bye kids! 1 And have fun with it! Come on Woolfy, Hulk is waiting for us and we don’t want to make him angry! See you guys.