Ch. 14 Birth of Christianity 6th Grade Social Studies
Origins of Christianity Lesson 1 Origins of Christianity
Jewish Roots Judah (Judea) conquered by Romans 63 B.C. Messiah – Jewish writings state an earthly ruler will be sent by God to rescue the Jews. Believed will be descendent of King David
Life of Jesus Lived by Jewish laws, BUT taught ideas and practices that seemed to put Him at odds with Jewish leaders GOSPELS – four accounts written after Jesus’ death by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, four chapters of the New Testament. Gospels say Jesus was born in Bethlehem Raised in Nazareth by Mary & Joseph, a carpenter Christians celebrate His birth on Christmas
Jesus’ Followers As a young man, Jesus traveled and taught Gospels say He performed miracles, such as curing people Disciples – 12 men who were Jesus’ closest followers: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, Simon, Thaddaeus, Judas Iscariot, James (son of Alphaeus)
The Teachings of Jesus Jesus preached justice, compassion, coming of God’s kingdom Delivered teachings in PARABLES – stories with morals Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount included Beatitudes (blessings) Asked people to love and pray for enemies; to live simply (humbly) Some Jewish leaders were angered by Jesus’ teachings Upset that some followers claimed Jesus was the Messiah
Death of Jesus The claim that Jesus was the Messiah was a threat to Roman rulers Power (authority) of Roman rulers was questioned Followers called Jesus “king” when he came to Jerusalem During Passover, Jesus criticized running of Jerusalem Temple Jewish leaders appointed by Rome arrested Jesus Turned Him over to Romans for punishment
Story of Resurrection Jesus was executed by Roman governor Pontius Pilate Executed by crucifixion – hanging on a cross until suffocation Buried in a tomb with stone blocking the entrance Gospels say that the third day after death, followers went to the tomb Tomb was empty; some followers say Jesus walked and talked with them
Resurrection of Jesus Account of resurrection proved to followers that Jesus was divine RESURRECTION – return to life Followers believed Jesus gave life to create a new world In the new world sin and death are defeated Christians believe crucifixion was on Good Friday.
Lesson 2 The Early Christians
Jesus’ Disciples The Early Church Jesus’ first disciples were Jews, who felt He fulfilled Messiah prophecies Early church stressed sharing property, meals; practicing charity All members were equal; appealed to women, slaves Disciples wanted to spread Jesus’ message, convert others
Conflict Arises Jews divided world into Jews and GENTILES – non-Jews Early church members disagreed whether or not to convert Gentiles Some thought Gentile converts should observe the Torah Roman leaders ignored Christians at first They and Christians considered Christianity a sect of Judaism Jewish leaders did not
The Conversion of Saul The Road to Damacus Saul, who was born a Jew, became an early leader of the Christian church In the beginning, Saul opposed the church. Later, he wrote how his faith changed He was on a road to Damascus pursuing runaway converts (Christians) He had a sudden conversion and came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah. (Blinded by light and God spoke to him)
Saul Becomes a Believer Saul joined church in Damascus. He began to convert Gentiles Saul was born in Tarsus in Asia Minor, a city with Greek influences Cultural, political background helped him to convert nonbelievers Had Roman citizenship, could travel freely, knew Jewish law Used Roman name – PAUL – when traveling became a MISSIONARY – person who spreads faith by converting others
Paul’s Journeys Spread Christianity The Journeys Pax Romana and good roads aided Paul in his travels Paul made four missionary journeys; each took several years
Changes to Christianity Paul and others altered Christianity to make conversion easier Paul felt Gentile conversion to Judaism was unnecessary Christianity became separate from Judaism Became more appealing to Gentiles, spread throughout the empire
The Letters Paul started many new churches and wrote letters to them Letters explained Christian beliefs Became part of the New Testament’s EPISTLES - letters Paul wrote that Christianity removes barriers between people Jew, Greek, slave, man, woman are “all one in Christ Jesus”
Paul’s Death Paul was accused of bringing Gentiles into temple in Jerusalem Taken into custody, imprisoned for 2 years He demanded to be tried before Caesar in Rome Arrived in Rome in A.D. 60 and was held under house arrest Paul probably died in Rome, possibly after being persecuted by Nero PERSECUTED – opposed or harassed
The Legacy of Paul Most influential of early apostles, or messengers of Jesus Journeys, letters helped spread the church to nations of the world
Lesson 3 Rome and Christianity
Rome’s Policy Toward Other Religions A Christian Threat Romans allowed other religions Romans alarmed by Gentiles becoming Christian Some Gentiles said they didn’t have to worship the emperor Appeal of Christianity to women, slaves was troubling (Why?) Christians talked of a Lord who would have a kingdom which threatened them
The Roman Persecutions Nero blamed Christians for huge fire in Rome in A.D. 64 Many Christians were tortured and killed Some Christians hid to escape persecution Hid in catacombs – underground cemeteries with secret passages
Why did the Romans feel threatened by Christianity? Minderbender Why did the Romans feel threatened by Christianity?
The Conversion of Constantine The Cross as Sign Constantine became Roman emperor in A.D. 306 He allowed persecution of Christians During battle for leadership in 312, Constantine prayed for help Said he saw a cross in the sky and predicted victory Had troops put crosses on shield and battle flags Constantine was victorious
Legalization of Christianity Constantine ended persecution of Christians Edict of Milan made Christianity a legal religion in empire Constantine built churches, made Sunday a holy day Constantine not baptized – formally converted – unit end of his life
Christianity Changes Rome Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion in 380 Closed pagan temples eleven years later
What did the Edict of Milan decree? Mindbender What did the Edict of Milan decree?
Beginnings of the Roman Catholic Church The Structure of the Church Priest, deacons obeyed BISHOPS – local church leaders Roman Catholics believe the apostle Peter was Rome’s first bishop Much later, Rome’s bishop became the POPE – the most important bishop This began the Roman Catholic church; CATHOLIC means “universal”
Beliefs and Practices Early writers, church fathers, developed CREED – statement of beliefs TRINITY – union of Father, Son (Jesus), Holy Spirit in one God North African church father, Augustine, felt God was everywhere Church created SACRAMENTS – religious rites such as baptism, communion Christian men formed monasteries; became bishops, priests, deacons Christianity became powerful and wealthy religion