Static Electricity (p.145-148) Describes all phenomena related to electrical charges at rest. What happens when you rub a balloon on your hair? Negative charges are transferred from your hair to the balloon. As a result, the balloon becomes negatively charged and your hair positively charged. ATTRACTION RESULTS
What are we talking about? 600 BCE What will happen if you rubb amber against wool?
An electroscope An apparatus used to detect the presence of static electricity in an object. m/watch?v=HupFY_24 o-4
YOU DRAW THE SCENARIOS SCAN! Can you explain what is happening with the electroscope?
What are the forces between charges? What happens when two positively-charged acetate rods are placed near each other? acetate rods The rods repel each other because they have the same overall charge. rods repel each other
How do opposite charges behave? Why does this happen? polythene rod acetate rod The polythene rod has an overall positive charge and the acetate rod has an overall negative charge. The overall charges of these rods are opposite and so they attract each other. rods attract each other
Which one becomes positive? – Plastic Sulphur Gold Rubber Wood Cotton Paper Silk Lead Wool Glass + In order to determine which object become positive and which becomes negative we use an electrostatic series. SEE PAGE 146
What type of force would be felt between the following: – Plastic Sulphur Gold Rubber Wood Cotton Paper Silk Lead Wool Glass + A glass rod, rubbed with wool is placed near another glass rod rubbed with rabbit’s fur. Rubbed with wool Becomes POSITIVE Rubbed with Amber Becomes NEGATIVE ATTRACTION
True or False
Attraction or Repulsion
Static Charge with a balloon
How do we charge an object? Friction: we have already seen. Conduction: If an uncharged object is brought in contact with a charged object, the object will give its charge to the uncharged one.
3) Induction: When a charged object charges an uncharged objects without contact between the two objects.
A ground is simply a large object that serves as an almost infinite source of electrons or sink for electrons. A ground is simply a large object that serves as an almost infinite source of electrons or sink for electrons. A ground contains such vast space that it is the ideal object to either receive electrons or supply electrons to whatever object needs to get rid of them or receive them.
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