What is Science? Individual Definition: Group Definition:


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Presentation transcript:

What is Science? Individual Definition: Group Definition: Class Definition:

Branches of Science

Branches of Science Physical Science: Physics: the study of matter and energy and their interactions Chemistry: the study of matter and its interactions Astronomy: the study of celestial bodies and the universe as a whole Earth Science Geology: the study of materials, processes, and history of earth Oceanography: The study of the oceans (the geological, chemical, and biological aspects) Meteorology: The study of the atmosphere Life Science Biology: the study of life Behavioral Sciences: the study of human and animal behavior Social Sciences: the study of human society and social relationships

Scientific Inquiry Scientific Inquiry refers to the diverse ways in which study the world and propose based on the derived from their work. Scientific inquiry involves: questioning, observing and inferring, experimenting, collecting and organizing data, finding evidence and drawing conclusions, repeating the experiment several times, peer review. Scientists, natural, explanations, evidence

Scientific Method The Scientific Method is a set of steps that scientists follow to solve a problem or answer a scientific question. Purpose Research Hypothesis Experiment Analysis Conclusion Share

Observations An observation is: Quantitative observations: Qualitative Observations: Observations of your pencil: Quantitative Observations Qualitative Observations

Hypothesizing A prediction is Example: A hypothesis is:

Inferences An inference is Observations Inferences Examine the picture at your table. Complete the chart below with observations and inferences about the scene or event. Observations Inferences

Cause and Effect Relationships In a cause-and-effect relationship, Examples (think of ones that are in the text): Cause: Effect: Some events are coincidental and are not the result of a cause-and-effect relationship. How would a scientist prove that an event was truly caused by another event?

Scientific Bias Bias is Sources of bias:

Faulty Reasoning Faulty reasoning is Why is having more than enough data better than not having enough data?

Fact vs. Opinion A fact is An opinion is Write one sentence that represents a fact about the Martha’s Vineyard. Write one sentence that represents an opinion about the Martha’s Vineyard.

Variables Dependent Variable: Independent Variable: Control: Constants: Scenario 1: Imagine you are conducting an experiment to test the effect of temperature on the growth of a tomato plant. Dependent variable = Plant Growth (Height in cm) Independent variable= Temperature differences Control = Tomato plant at room temperature Constants = same type and size of tomato plant, same type of soil, same amount of water added, same size pot, same amount of sunlight, measurements are taken at the same time of day.

Variables Scenario 2: Imagine you are conducting an experiment to test the effect of wheel size on the speed of a toy car as it rolls down a ramp. Dependent variable = Independent variable= Control = Constants =