Give ‘Em Five, is Price’s Creameries largest community outreach effort Give ‘Em Five, is Price’s Creameries largest community outreach effort. The program is designed to provide a source of additional funding to assist community organizations and schools in planning, developing and implementing innovative programs and creative opportunities which result in increased student achievement. There are two parts to the Give ‘Em Five Fund. * Cap and Lid Program – students collect the caps from all Price’s fluid products, Milk, Orange Juice, Fruit Drinks and others, plus now they can also collect the lids from all Price’s Select Ice Cream and Sherbets. They turn them into their schools and the schools turn them into Price’s and a check is written directly to the school for the total number of caps and lids at 5¢ each. * Grant Program – This part is even easier. All you have to do is buy Price’s and Country Charm products and Price’s does the rest. For every gallon of milk sold, four cents goes into the fund a half gallon of milk is two cents. Every Price’s product from cottage cheese to Ice Cream is assigned a specific value, creating the budget for Give ‘Em Five. Deadline for accepting grants is October 15th of each year. As an added benefit – If schools involved in the Give ‘Em Five programs need product i.e., milk, orange juice or ice cream, for school meetings or reward assembles, Price’s will offer a Buy One Get One Free (BOGO). What do the Schools have to do? To help promote the programs, Price’s requests that your school agrees to incorporate information about the Give ‘Em Five Fund within the school as well as including articles and other explanatory pieces in the school and school newspapers. Price’s will supply printed materials and also be available to attend staff and PTA meetings to help raise awareness. Price’s also works with schools to provide class incentives such as ice cream or cookies and milk parties for the classes which collect the most caps. For more information, please call Irene Pistella at (915) 565-2711 or email So much better with…