Welcome to G. Holmes Braddock Senior High AMERICAN HISTORY 11th Grade Gina Mora/Emily Wilcock
American History The grade 11 United States History course consists of the following content area strands: United States History, Geography, and Humanities. The primary content emphasis for this course pertains to the study of United States history from Reconstruction to the present day. Students will be exposed to the historical, geographic, political, economic, and sociological events that influenced the development of the United States and the resulting impact on world history.
Purpose The purpose of this course is to provide students the opportunity to acquire knowledge and understanding of the heritage of the United States and its link to the present.
American History EOC Exam The EOC is a computer based test Students enrolled in regular/honors U.S. History must take the EOC Student performance results are used to calculate 30% of a student’s course grade. U.S. History is a graduation requirement.
History Test Item Specifications: EOC Exam addresses major topics, trends, and analysis of historical importance beginning with the Civil War and ending with Modern Times. The test measures student mastery of 18 main tested benchmarks and 54 also assessed benchmarks related to the study of U.S. History. History Test Item Specifications: http://fcat.fldoe.org/eoc/pdf/FL09Sp_US_History.pdf.
Skills Analyze primary and secondary sources of information. Interpret historical trends that span across multiple time periods. Evaluate history from political, economic, and social perspectives. Understand, evaluate, and interpret graphic information (maps, charts, graphs, political cartoons)
Skills Understand and be able to explain the meaning of political cartoons. Interpret meaning from maps, graphs, and charts. Read primary source documents. Draw conclusions from multiple pieces of complex information. Research and write about important historical time periods.
Text/Grading Florida/American History Pearson Gateway to US History Grading: 40% Class work 30% Tests/ Quizzes 30% Home learning/Projects
Skill Development Reading- emphasis on non-fiction Essay writing Note taking-understanding the main idea and details Vocabulary development Cause-effect relationships Sequencing
Requirements This course is a sequential study of American history from the 1850’s to the 1990’s so students must be present to learn. Benchmarks will be copied into the notebook so they can be checked by student and parent. One inch binder for notes and handouts. All homework assignments are posted on edmodo. Students must continuously prepare for the EOC throughout the year. Helpful resources will be posted on edmodo .
What can Parents do? Provide a quiet, organized place to study. Talk to students about what they are learning in history class. Encourage students be informed to watch the news, read books, magazines, and newspapers to keep up with current events. Help them with organizational skills. Ask “Why” and “How” questions. Hold High Expectations for your children, they are the future!
ginamora@dadeschools.net ewilcock@dadeschools.net Please contact us with any concerns, questions, or problems. We are looking forward to a great year with your children.
I don't measure America by its achievement but by its potential.