Welcome Class of 2020 Welcome students and families from the Class of 2020! Good evening, I am Bruce Kelly, and it is my distinct honor and privilege to serve as … Thrilled to see you make a commitment to attend. Roll call? With the incredible success from last year’s Onboarding session, we continued the tradition this year, and our goal is for you to walk away with the information to help you and your student enjoy a successful start to their high school career. This slide deck is available on our website, and you can view it anytime up through September.
Onboarding to RAHS–Notes Page A successful take off! PTSA Facility Choice, Transportation Communication Illuminate PE, ALE, and Fine Arts Credit Calendar Calendar of Events Attendance Before and After School Credit Courses Spirit Shack 1:1 Laptop Distribution Dances Dress Code Q&A
A successful take off! Buy at least one yellow article of clothing or accessory Be winsome, make new friends! Read the NOTAM, http://www.highlineschools.org/Domain/30 Get organized—the biggest challenge for most incoming freshmen Learn to prioritize Check the RAHS website by June 20 to learn of summer homework
Dress Code—Maintaining a Professional Culture
Optimize your experience-Get Involved! Attend the Freshmen Orientation Join a Club or Team Participate in Class Gatherings Earn Community Service Hours Sign up for a Mentor Apply for an Internship—second semester
Communication—1st Period on Mondays NOTAM http://www.highlineschools.org/Domain/30 What’s Happening This Week—Weekly Calendar Principal’s Message, The Principal’s Round of Applause New Announcements From the Career Center ASB Counselor Corner PTSA Attendance Reminder Quote of the Week
School Calendar
Before and After School Credit Courses Robotics, FTC Science Olympiad—semester credit but meets all year Japanese ALE—to be eligible for ALE, the student must be enrolled in five classes. No exceptions. World Language credit earned in middle school, I Year = .5 credit Currently, there is no transportation for before and after classes Reflect one takeaway so far?
Dances– always preceded by Spirit Week Aviator’s Ball (October) TOLO (February) Spring Fling (April) Junior-Senior PROM (May) Permission forms for off campus guests are required.
Attendance Policy Family Vacations are unexcused Signed Notes Call in for absences What if your child is sick? Fever over 100
PE, ALE, and Fine Arts Credit
Choice Transfer Request Form Obtain a Choice Transfer Requests Form from your resident school district. The Choice Transfer Request must be completed on an annual basis. Highline School District will notify the family when the student is officially enrolled. Out of district students are not officially enrolled until we have a Choice Transfer Request on file.
Playing Sports at Your Resident School Limit to one sport per year Implications by season Fall Winter Spring
HSD Transportation Request Form Highline School District families complete and submit the forms tonight, or by Friday, May 13th
Laptop, our 1:1 environment Insurance—Worth Ave Group Distribute on 2nd day of school Collect during last week of school District Policies Technology Forms
PTSA http://www.aviationptsa.org Membership Volunteer Hours—dozens of ways to become involved Constant Contacts Auction Ice Cream Social Grad Night Dance chaperones Hospitality for Sports of the Mind Teams
Museum of Flight Campus Automatic membership as a student The MoF is considered part of our campus for field trips, but not for lunch. Off campus for lunch privilege becomes available at the beginning of the junior year.
Calendar of Events Kick Off Event with the Blue Angels Flight Team, Friday August 5th Freshmen Orientation—August XX, TBD Tentative: Registration Day is Tuesday, August 23 The PTSA Potluck is Sunday, August 28 The First Day of School is Thursday, September 1st
Q & A
Thank you for attending, and please drive home safely! Spirit Shack Open Thank you for attending, and please drive home safely!