Access Lesson 5 Creating and Modifying Reports Microsoft Office 2010 Introductory
Creating a Report Using the Report Tool A report is a database object that displays data from one or more tables or queries in a format that has an appearance similar to a printed report. You can use reports to: Create a formatted list of information Summarize information Print form letters and mailing labels The tables or queries that contain the data used in a report are called the record source. 2 2
Creating a Report Using the Report Tool (continued) The Report tool quickly creates a simple report that includes all the fields in the selected table or query, uses a columnar format, formats the report using a theme, and includes a title with the same name as the record source. When fields appear in a report, they appear in controls. 3 3
Creating a Report Using the Report Tool (continued) Report created using the Report tool 4 4
Creating a Report Using the Report Tool (continued) When the Report tool creates a report, the report opens initially in Layout view where you can: View the controls in the report and data from the record source at the same time. Make changes to the report's format and appearance. Report data is read-only, which means that you can view it but you cannot change it. 5 5
Lets Create A Report Open the Company Database (either from Mr. Smith’s site or you may have it saved) We want to create a report of everyone that has a birthday in October. The view you initially go to is layout. We can make changes to the order, what fields are used, sort data, etc here. A report can act like a filter but it shows us more of the printed out look plus you cannot edit records from within a report.
Creating a Report Using the Label Wizard The Label Wizard lets you create a report to print standard or custom labels. Use the Label Wizard dialog boxes to choose the font name, style, size, and color to use when printing the labels. When you use a wizard to create a report, the report opens in Print Preview. 7 7
Creating a Report Using the Label Wizard (continued) Report created using the Label Wizard 8 8
Lets Create Some Labels Ever wondered how papers, magazines and other items that are mailed are labeled before they are sent out to thousands of people? Open the Company Database (either from Mr. Smith’s site or you may have it saved) Insert a new field called City and another called state and then enter in cities and the state for the various people within the database. Lets Use the Label wizard to see how anyone can print out name labels and not have to write all of those names and addresses.
Lets Create Some Labels Part 2 Click on the Create tab and then select Labels. First it wants you to match up your labels we can select any of the options since we do not have actual labels to use. Next select the fields that will be used and how you want them to appear on the label. First Name, Last Name, Address, City, State and Zip Now you will see the labels in print preview.
Creating a Report Using the Report Wizard To create a customized report quickly, use the Report Wizard. A grouping level organizes data based on one or more fields. You can also choose a sort order. The layout options for reports are Stepped, Block, and Outline, which arrange data in different ways. 11 11
Creating a Report Using the Report Wizard (continued) Report Wizard dialog box that asks how you want to view your data 12 12
Lets Create A Report With the Wizard Open the company database Click on Create Click on Report Wizard We want a report with all employees first and last name along with their salary. The report can be formatted how ever you desire but employees names should be arranged in ascending order(from A-Z)
Modifying a Report in Layout View An easy way to create a report is to use the Report Wizard. You can use Layout view to make adjustments to the report. Controls in reports are grouped in control layouts, just like they are in forms. 14 14
Modifying a Report in Layout View (continued) Teachers And Classes report in Layout view 15 15
Modify The Salary Report Open the salary report that was created using the report wizard. Change the view to layout (right click on the report on the left side of the page and select layout) Insert the employee ID at the end of each record so that it shows first name, last name, salary and Employee ID.
Modifying a Report in Design View There are certain types of report changes that you must make in Design view. When you view a report in Design view, you see the different sections of the report. To add a control to a report, click the button in the Controls group and then click the desired location in the report. The Line tool lets you draw a line in a report. 17 17
Modifying a Report in Design View (continued) Report sections 18 18
Modifying a Report in Design View (continued) Add new controls to a report by using the tools in the Controls group. Drag a control to position it on the page. To resize a report, drag the report's edge or use the report selector. You can add any type of picture to a report. 19 19
Modifying a Report in Design View (continued) Completed report in Print Preview 20 20
Modify The Employee Salary Report Open the Employee Salary Report Change to design view(right click on the report name on the left hand side of the page and select design) Insert a picture in the report header that relates to employees salary such as money or a paycheck. You will need to save these to your folder and insert by clicking on the mountain and sun icon at the top of the page. You may have to resize your image