OBJECTIVES How to know the different ways to fundraise for your local group or cause How to create fundraising opportunities that promote your local group as well as encourage volunteer engagement and empowerment How to identify potential donors in your area and have the confidence to approach them for funds How to ensure that donors feel recognized and rewarded so they donate time and again How to know various sources of funding available – e.g., VegFund, Pollination Project, Crowd Funding etc. Know how to apply for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funding for animal projects Know where to learn more on the subject HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
NINE STEPS FOR AN EFFECTIVE CAMPAIGN Identify your issues Set your goals Become an Expert Create a resource pool Know your opponents Plan for success Develop campaign tactics Work the media Evaluate HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
IDENTIFY YOUR ISSUES What is the cause that is important to you? What is the difference you intend to make? What is your community? How could that community be changed for the better? Where might a campaign make the biggest difference? HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
SET YOUR GOALS Set out your goal in a manifesto State in detail the issue, goal and the changes to be made. Think about what you want and in what way your community will be improved Actions needed to achieve your goal Who do you need to influence to make the change? HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
BECOME AN EXPERT Build a Knowledge Bank Collect detailed information - facts, figures & case studies. What do you need to know? What do you know already? Where can you find more information? How will you record what you find out? HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
CREATE A RESOURCE POOL Collect support & resources Who can offer you advice and/or resources? Is anyone already campaigning on the same issue? Who will agree with your point of view? Get to know your allies and advocates Secure resources and give your campaign more impact HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
KNOW YOUR OPPONENTS Understand your potential opponents & obstacles Know who is likely to oppose you What reasons do they have for opposing you? What arguments do you think they might use? What arguments can you use against them? Think about obstacles you might face and how to overcome them HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
PLAN FOR SUCCESS Become a Team Plan your campaign What needs to be done? Who needs to do it? What is your deadline? What resources will you need? Can your allies & advocates help? Is there a budget or should it be arranged? Plan your campaign HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
DEVELOP CAMPAIGN TACTICS Fetch a creative idea for your campaign Write a poem/play Make badges/create campaign art Discuss ideas with your team and take different approaches to make the campaign successful HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
WORK THE MEDIA Use the media to promote your campaign tactics What is happening and how does it fit your campaign What is your campaign about? Why is this important? Who is running the event? When and where? HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
EVALUATE Evaluate the execution of the campaign Think about what others have thought of your campaign Have a performance-campaign assessment HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
VARIOUS SOURCES OF FUNDING VegFund The Pollination Project (TPP) Crowd Funding ( HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
CSR-CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY What is CSR? A concept whereby companies integrate social & environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis. European Union The business contribution to our sustainable development goals; essentially how business takes account of its economical, social & environmental impacts in the way it operates maximizing the benefits & minimizing the downsides. UK The way company achieves a balance or integration of economic, social & environmental imperatives, while at the same time addressing shareholders& stakeholder expectations. Canada HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
India is the first country in the world to have a CSR Act CSR LAW IN INDIA India is the first country in the world to have a CSR Act HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
BODIES ASSOCIATED WITH CSR WORK WITH DIFFERENT APPROACHES Social Sector Not for Profit (NGOs, Govt. agencies, UN agencies, etc.) Social Business (Co-operative model, inclusive development model, etc.) For Profit (Low end services/products and packaging, Pvt-Public partnership) HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
CSR & STRATEGY General myths surrounding CSR work CSR is a form of Charity Work CSR is Not for Small Businesses CSR is Complicated & Technical CSR is too Expensive CSR is a Market Gimmick CSR is about Hiding Negative Impacts CSR is a Separate Corporate Initiative CSR is about Communicating Goodwill HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
TARGETING AND TAPPING THE RIGHT COMPANY Many Companies are doing CSR. Most important is targeting and tapping the right company for a successful attempt for fund raising. Target LOCAL COMPANIES Hence it is important to know what is strategic CSR. HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
CSR AND STRATEGY There are two Aspects of CSR: Responsive CSR (Good citizenship/mitigate harm from value chain activities) Strategic CSR (Improves competitive context, benefit society while reinforcing strategy) HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
CSR & NGO CHALLENGES NGO with last 3 years’ accounts in a presentable format NGO objective aligned with Companies CSR Objective NGO work areas with effective and measurable actions NGO to stop equating CSR with corporate philanthropy NGO to plan need based activities & 3 year CSR budget NGO to take a holistic view of the impacts on business NGO to develop a program with larger social impact NGO to feel empower to on the operational responsibility NGO to ensure readiness social audit & CSR reporting NGO to support publishing CSR case studies NGO to support for required preparation in CSR Awards HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
GOLDEN RULES OF CAMPAIGNING Be organized Be focused Respect others’ right to an opinion Be creative Be enthusiastic HAS is recognized by Animal Welfare Board of India under Ministry of Environment & Forests
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