Message for a finished ETID that is saved. Save ETID When a customer saves an ETID that is considered complete, they will see this message. Message for a finished ETID that is saved.
Save ETID When a customer saves an ETID that is not finished, they will get this message. Message for a saved but unfinished ETID. This ETID can be completed later and submitted.
To finish or submit a saved ETID, select the desired ETID. Finishing a Saved ETID To finish or submit a saved ETID, customer will click on the DTID number. Customer can filter on “Saved” Status code to see or find saved ETIDs. To finish or submit a saved ETID, select the desired ETID.
Select ‘Edit’ to finish and/or submit a Saved ETID. In the view screen, customer will select edit. Select ‘Edit’ to finish and/or submit a Saved ETID.
Customers can make edits and select Submit. Customer will finish the ETID. They can select certifications or attach attachments if necessary. Customers can re-save if desired or submit for site review. Customers can make edits and select Submit.
Submit ETID – Pending Status A submitted ETID will be in Pending Status. Wait for Disp Svcs Site review and approval. Use the “Link to Disposition Services Site Locations Look Up” to contact site if necessary. Do not print or schedule your turn in until your ETID has been approved by Disposition Services. A submitted ETID will be in Pending Status. Wait for Disp Svcs site review and approval. Use the “Link to Disposition Services Site Locations Look Up” to contact site if necessary.
Submit ETID – Approved Status Disp Svcs Site will review and approve an ETID if information is correct. Use the “Link to Schedule Property Turn ins of Approved ETIDs” to schedule your turn in. Do not print or schedule your turn in until your ETID has been approved by Disposition Services. Disp Svcs Site will review and approve an ETID if information is correct. Use the “Link to Schedule Property Turn ins of Approved ETIDs” to schedule your turn in.
Approved ETID Additional Information Customers may also receive information related to an approved ETID and its “turn in”. This can be helpful information about your turn in. View an approved ETID to see any additional information. Customers may also receive information related to an approved ETID. Open to view an approved ETID to check for additional turn in information.
Search ETID There are multiple status codes for ETIDs. To Search for ETIDs, simply adjust filter settings and click search. Actions taken by Disp Svcs on submitted ETIDs will change Status Codes. Adjust Search Filters and ETID Type to retrieve listings of ETIDs. ETIDs are tracked in the system by the changes in Status Codes.
Search ETID A listing of ETIDs will be generated based on the filter criteria selected. Click on the DTID number or use the ‘Select For Action” buttons to view ETIDs in detail. A listing of ETIDs will be generated based on the filter criteria selected. Click on the DTID number or use the ‘Select For Action” buttons to view ETIDs in detail.
Edit, Delete, Copy an ETID Customers can “edit”, “delete”, or “copy” ETIDs in either of these statuses…“Pending”, “Rejected”, or “Redirected”. Edit will allow you to make changes and resubmit a rejected ETID. Copy will let you make another ETID containing much of the original information, saving time and key strokes. A deleted ETID will no longer exist. Only ETIDs in Saved, Pending, Rejected, or redirected status can be deleted. Customers can Edit, Delete, or Copy ETIDs in Pending, Rejected or Redirected Status.
Cancel an Approved ETID Customers can cancel an approved ETID that they will no longer turn in. When a customer cancels an approved ETID, the status will be updated in ETID to “Cancelled” and the cancellation request will be sent to DSS and processed in DSS. Intransit records will be updated. Also, customer will receive intransit control follow-ups for ETID that have been approved but not turned in. Customers can Cancel Approved ETIDs. Customers will also get messages when approved ETIDs that qualify for Intransit Control tracking are not received within 90 days.
Print ETIDs Customers can “print” ETIDs. Customers should wait until an ETID is reviewed and approved before printing. Customers can print multiple ETIDs at one time. Customers can also print an ETID by clicking on the DTID number and selecting Print in the ETID view. Customers can Print Approved ETIDs. Customers should wait for ETIDs to be reviewed before they print.
Print ETIDs Customers can also print an ETID by clicking on the DTID number and selecting Print in the ETID view. Customers can also print ETIDs in the ETID View screen. Customers should wait for ETIDs to be reviewed before they print.
Print ETIDs Print options include inventory labels, hard drive labels, DD 1348-1, certifications, and a shipping manifest. After you select print, you can choose what to print. You can print labels, DD 1348-1A, Certifications, and a Shipping Manifest. Customers can also print a DLA 2500 Hard Drive Label.
Print ETIDs The printing process will flow the same as it has in previous versions of ETID. Choose a manifest if needed. Check/uncheck certifications as needed Select Print PDF Click on Download Document
The 1348-1A in ETID has 3 bar codes Samples of 1348-1A. The 1348-1A will contain a 3rd barcode in block 26 to include “quantity and “unit of issue” information. Rejected ETIDs will contain a watermark when printed to prevent these rejected ETIDs from being turned in. Rejected ETIDs now have a watermark.