Contract Lifecycle Management In the Disruptive Age Steven O'Neal M-Files Corporation
Bridge the gap between core business systems and information. Contracts So far we’ve been talking about how M-Files manages your documents and files. But we also understand that not all of your HR information is going to be document centric. And if we want to give you a full 360 degree view of your project data we need to bridge your data driven content with your documents and files. This is one of the key unique features of M-Files. We are a true enterprise information repository. Non-Document data objects are managed the same way as documents giving you a consistent look and feel across all your data. It doesn’t matter if that data originates in M-Files or is managed in other enterprise systems like your ERP or CRM. M-Files can make use of the data wherever it lives so you're only ever managing the data and people in one place. The benefit here is that not only can we now give you a 360 degree view of all of your content but it allows us to give additional context to your HR-releated documents and information, making them easier to find and manage. Structured Data Unstructured Content ERP HR Docs, Images & Media
Contract Lifecycle Management Benefits Review and approve contracts faster Version control and history Protect sensitive data Automate paper-based processes Access and manage contracts anywhere
Customer Success Global organization Many contract pieces Manual contract processes were streamlined via automated workflows Find contracts quickly Reporting including contract expirations "Now, with M-Files, everything is streamlined and simplified, and we know that our contracts are always up to date and easy to track.”
The Contract Lifecycle PRE-SIGNING Internal approvals and verifications Drafting Customer approval Printing Revisions Signing POST-SIGNING Storing Notifications Contract approved Scanning
Review and approve contracts faster Saving contracts should be is easy Create using templates Simple classification Find contracts quickly
Version control and history Changes are recorded automatically Full audit trail available Roll back to previous versions
Ensure sensitive data is protected User & User Group Rights Per document Per document class Automated Permissions Enables automatic changes to access permissions with any change in metadata, such as when A document is approved or project team members change Simple Setup & Administration Active Directory Support We can also make use of this information we're collecting to secure our documents. So In addition to user and group permissions we are going to make use of the metadata to drive what we call automatic permissions. Based on your configuration, the metadata decides how the content is secured. And if the metadata changes the permissions can automatically change with it. Making the management of permissions both easy and dynamic. Your users won’t have to think about how to secure the contract. The information we are tagging it with takes care of that automatically. We’ll walk through an example of this during the demo.
Automate paper-based processes Replace inefficient, error-prone paper-based processes Capture paper contracts or easily import digital documents Get instantly notified when terms change or expiration date is near Highly configurable notification system
Access Your Contracts (and Information) Everywhere Native Mobile Apps iPhone/iPad Android Windows Phone View Documents Manage Workflows E-Signatures Offline Access MOBILE ACCESS v2 The way we consume and interact with this data is changing rapidly. Users are more mobile and the device options are more varied. So, in addition to our desktop and web clients we have mobile clients for iOS, (iphone and ipad), Android and Windows Phones. This allows your mobile users to view, edit or create content and participate in workflows directly from their phone or tablet. Your users out in the field will enjoy the same access as a user working from home or a user in the office. Install the apps now from:
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