Rob Roebeling, Harald Rothfuss, and Sebastien Wagner Satellite Event Working Group GSICS meeting , 5-8 March 2012, Beijing, China Rob Roebeling, Harald Rothfuss, and Sebastien Wagner EUMETSAT
Content Background Event logging at EUMETSAT Plans for defining a common approach Conclusions
Background – Actions from CGMS and GSICS Recommendation CGMS (39.12): CGMS Satellite Operators to provide regular information on satellite/ instruments events affecting calibration and establish corresponding websites. (minutes CGMS-39). Recommendation GSCIS: Satellite operators to provide "a log of satellite / instrument events" to support the identification of "spurious" events/trends in calibrated data sets.
Background – Instrument Calibrations Events Working Group EUMETSAT set up the Instrument Calibrations Events (ICE) Working Group that addresses the actions laid out by CGMS and GSICS. The Terms of Reference outline the following objectives: to define Which instrument calibration events should be logged? What information needs to be presented? and How this information should be presented and be made available to external users?; to propose guidelines for developing a uniform instrument calibration events logging approach for EUMETSAT, which is attuned to approaches adopted by other satellite operators; to be aware of recommendations on instrument calibration event logging from external authorities, in particular of CGMS, GSICS and WMO; to function as a liaison group for all EUMETSAT instrument calibration event logging issues.
Event logging at EUMETSAT
Event Logging at EUMETSAT Currently, event logging at EUMETSAT is performed differently for different systems. Currently, EUMETSAT event logging systems focus more on Technical Event Logging instead of Scientific Event Logging. The Work Group uses the current systems as baseline, but will attuned them to meet the CGMS and GSCIS requirements, which are more science driven, and coordinate them with the systems of other satellite operators. Current systems are: Spacecrafts Event Database – GEO only CHART Database (part of ARGUS) – EPS only User Notification Service (UNS) – All Programs
1. Spacecrafts events Data base "Spacecrafts events Database“ for GEO satellites (MFG and MSG) Events since 1998 Records all planned & unplanned events Searches on an event / time period basis Exports to Excel sheet Andrew Holmes
1. Spacecrafts events Data base- Comments (MET/TH) The example file includes a mix of changes to the satellite and it's instruments (SEVIRI and GERB). It would be good if we could extract only the events that affect the data from a particular instrument - either satellite or instrument events. Perhaps these could be flagged in some way? Include a severity flag to indicate the likely magnitude of the impact on the data The most important events are the ones that are not immediately obvious from the instruments' data records. Could we include a flag for event type, based on a standard set of events? Most (scientific) users looking to analyse a long time series of SEVIRI data would only be interested in 10-20 events (decontamination, HRV changes, switching OPE-VAL and maybe gain changes and station keeping manoeuvres). It would be good to have the facility to link certain events to associated reports. There is too much jargon and acronyms for most users. Explanatory text could be given in hyperlinks. Don't use am/pm times! Instead use ISO 8601 date/time formats.
2. CHART (ARGUS) Database for LEO http://chart/events/event_views For Polar Orbiting Satelllites (LEO) GUI allows viewing events as time series table, or Geo-located on a map http://chart/events/event_geo
2. CHART (ARGUS) Database for LEO - Comments The CHART database is part of the ARGUS project which is used for offline monitoring and reporting of the Metop satellite and products (with CHART focussing on the flight hardware) Effort is being made to encourage its adoption for future missions, including MTG. CHART is not currently available outside EUMETSAT TCE and OCN networks, however this can be reviewed if the need arises. The CHART database can be accessed via a web-gui or ODBC connection The CHART database is predominantly Telemetry by volume, however it includes an Events Table The events table can be populated Manually for infrequent events Automatically for frequent events and activities such as period instrument calibrations. Detection algorithms can use any combination of available data such as command history or telemetry There is no field in the events table which allows an event to be explicitly identified as one which may effect instrument calibration – this is done by inference.
3. User Notification Service (UNS) – V1 (Current)
3. User Notification Service (UNS) – V2.0 It is intended to evolve the UNS (V2.0) to meet the requirements from both the end-users point of view and to meet the EUMETSAT operational requirements. The purpose of the new User Messaging System tool is summarised as: To provide a standardised, single, centrally controlled application for generating and distributing messages to the users concerning the status of all EUMETSAT operational service. To avoid the distribution of messages which contain no information, to harmonise and constrain the message types and content and to centrally control mailing lists. To be able to generate and distribute messages from the operational Back-up control centres. The purpose of the new User Messaging Website is summarised as: An archive table of announcements - will allow users to search/filter and display all announcements whether current, historical or in the future for all satellite services. An interactive calendar of historical & planned announcements. RSS /twitter feed. i-calendar integration.
3. User Notification Service (UNS) – V2.0 Announcement Types: Service Alert - An anomaly/event has occurred which has resulted in an unplanned service outage or degradation. e.g. Payload Switch Off, safe modes, missing instrument data. Planned Maintenance - A planned activity which may result in an service change, outage or degradation. e.g. spacecraft manoeuvres, instrument decontamination, ground station antenna maintenance. Service/Product Enhancement - A new or an update to a product/service which may imply users need to modify their downstream systems in order to benefit from the enhancement or change. e.g. product format changes, product content changes and the introduction of new products.
3. User Notification Service (UNS) – V2.0 Archive Table of Announcements (concept):
Defining a common approach
Proposal GSICS Coordination Centre Instrument Calibration Event Logs for the GEO-LEO IR Inter-Calibration Proposed by GSICS Coordination Center (Courtesy Fangfang, NOAA) Instrument (monitored/referenced) No Start time End time Comment Type Related Information G12 Imager 1 04/01/2003 - Operation started I 2 03/21/2007 03/23/2007 Anti-ice decontamination (uncomplete) II 3 ?? KOZ in the Eclipse season I/II 4 Patch temperature IASI 5 07/18/2007 Metop-A IASI level1 operational data formally available 6 12/15/2008 01/05/2009 backup and anti-ice decontamination G12 7 04/14/2010 Retired from GOES-West and moved to the South American Mission
Proposal GSICS Coordination Center (MET/SeW) Events that affect the data distribution/outage Beginning/end of operational mission life, including the backup status Change in orbit, scan mode, or nominal position of the satellite Anti-ice decontamination Data disruptions associated with ground system maintenance Eclipse season schedules (KOZ/stray light exclusion schedules) Events that may affect the data quality Change of detector temperature Damage to the calibration system and deteriorate the data quality Change to the calibration algorithms (e.g. upgrade or new algorithm) Change of operational spectral response function or navigation system Change of detector map (primary -> redundant detectors) Change of calibration mode Decontaminated images during the eclipse seasons
Schematic representation Input Meta Data Spacecraft Report Platform Level Instrument Level Processing Level manoeuvres decontamination missing data damage Eclipse season change of navigation system degradation change of SRF missing data damage change of algorithms missing data Output Database Start date, Stop date, Link to info
Conclusion Categorize different events types (Technically, Scientifically, ...); Use urgency levels; Uniformize categories and urgency levels among satellite operators; Visualize temporally and spatially; Provide quantitative information in the event logs; The event logs should contain basic information only. More detailed information on events should be kept by the satellite operators separately. Prepare a list of basic information that should be provided. Coordinate this with the other satellite operators.
Proposal GSICS Coordination Centre Specify (user) requirements (type of events, level of information, export options, communication structure,….): Common agreement on event types to log; Common agreement on event logging procedure; Common agreement on reporting interface (web based data base); Actions to improve traceability and uniformity cross satellite operators; Recommendation: to provide most information through the meta data. Event log provides reference information? (redundant information is no problem) Detailed discussion: CRWG breakout session on Wednesday (8:30)
Thank You Any Questions?