Social and environmental impact
ICT that has changed our lives portable computing the Internet digital music video online shopping communication systems (mobile phones, email, chat rooms, etc.) huge databases cyber crime (crime using ICT) VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) offering cheap phone calls ICT devices helping the disabled become more independent
Social issues due to ICT 1 lack of privacy addictions to chat rooms, social networking sites, etc. addictions to games, gambling, etc. addiction to pornography
Social issues due to ICT 2 deserted shopping centres health problems paedophiles looking for their next victim identity theft false rumours misinformation
Economic issues due to ICT jobs transferred abroad high street shops not being able to compete with Internet stores globalization
Political issues due to ICT online voting info re corrupt governments blogs allow issues to be raised online petitions
Ethical issues due to ICT employers looking at a job applicant’s social networking profile monitoring of employees’ emails, websites visited, etc., by employers invasion of privacy by social networking sites use of cookies (without you knowing) to record websites visited
Moral issues due to ICT copying of copyright material widening of gap between rich and poor countries widening gap between rich and poor people use of essay banks