Session 1 – The 3 Rs and Active Learning


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Presentation transcript:

Session 1 – The 3 Rs and Active Learning Teachable moments by design: Translating teaching into learning workshop series TD Take PPT clicker Review with faculty their hand-outs and the Assessment website? Hand-outs: today’s presentation notes, course outcomes plan and report – Step 1 (blank and example), CAT, DB, Jason’s reading and recording (emailed to them) Spring 2014 Tresha Dutton, Ph.D., Outcomes Assessment Coordinator Anne Marie Karlberg, Ph.D., Director of Assessment and Institutional Research

You need open heart surgery. Which doctor would you choose? learned by listening learned by discussing AM Listened to over 1,000 hours of lecture from renowned experts on open heart surgery. Has never practiced doing one, but has listened to a lot of information about the benefits and risks of various methods (and took really good notes)! Spent 5 years discussing open-heart surgery with renown experts. Has never practiced doing one, but has talked a lot about it, and could explain how to do one really well! From day one, was thrown into the operating room to learn, without instruction, feedback, or discussion on how to operate successfully. Sometimes things go well, sometimes they don’t. learned by doing A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Went to the school of… “learn by listening, doing, and discussing” AM Spent 4 years in medical school followed by a 5 year residency program. Medical school was structured around lectures by experts, class discussion, case study analysis, observations, and practice with trained experts. Residency program was practical application of skills learned in medical school, with oversight by Board Certified Physicians. A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Active learning means the mind is actively engaged No teaching strategy works for all learning outcomes or all students. Ask yourself “what”, “why” and “how”… What teaching and learning strategies are available? Why might I select one teaching and learning strategy over another? How will I successfully implement the teaching and learning strategies I select? TD Reward learning rather than behavior A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Teachable moments sessions (BKR 101, 1:30-3:30) 1. Fri. April 11 The 3 Rs: Rigor, relevance, relationships Introduction to active learning (Jason) 2. Fri. Apr. 18 Learner-centered lectures and discussions 3. Fri. Apr. 25 Group-based learning and games/gadgets 4. Fri. May 9 Support for our students… International students (Kelly Kester) Access and disability support (Kerri Holferty) First year experience (Tawny Townsend) AM Other speaker ideas: J.T. (about judicial affairs, behavioral intervention team); Margaret V. (mental health issues); A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Teachable moments series learning outcomes After completing this workshop series, faculty will be able to… explain how rigor, relevance, and relationships are cultivated in their teaching and learning strategies and assessments. map their teaching and learning strategies and assessments to their course outcomes. implement diverse teaching and learning strategies based on course outcomes. AM A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Session 1 learning outcomes After today’s session, faculty will be able to… explain how rigor, relevance, and relationships are cultivated in their teaching and learning strategies and assessments. map their teaching and learning strategies and assessments to their course outcomes. implement diverse teaching and learning strategies based on course outcomes.   AM In courses, you will find that you spend time introducing, reinforcing, and assessing each of your learning outcomes. In today’s session, we will be introducing concepts from each of these 3 learning outcomes.  A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb) The 3 Rs…no, not those ones! TD A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb) A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Rigor… the creation of educational opportunities in which students are processing learning in deep meaningful ways Developed by students being held and holding themselves to high expectations. About the quality of thinking, not the quantity. Reflected in students’ capacity to understand content that is complex, ambiguous, and personally challenging. TD Point #1: held high expectations (follow up comment-- Rigor does not mean creating artificial obstacles for students, making it harder for them to achieve) Used to be on slides: Rigor focuses on the process and product of learning A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Relevance… the creation of educational opportunities that connect learning in the classroom with students’ lives Helping students identify how information or skills have some application in their lives (transferability). Developed by students having the opportunity to follow their own process, rather than just learning facts. Reflected by students knowing what to do when they don’t know what to do. TD Point #1: held high expectations (follow up comment-- Rigor does not mean creating artificial obstacles for students, making it harder for them to achieve) Used to be on slides: Rigor focuses on the process and product of learning A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Relationships… the creation of meaningful connections between faculty, staff, and students Developed between students and faculty from day one. Help students reach high standards (academically and socially) by having advocates who understand their interests, struggles, and ambitions. Include the relationships between faculty, staff, and administration as each understands how the others support student success. TD Point #1: held high expectations (follow up comment-- Rigor does not mean creating artificial obstacles for students, making it harder for them to achieve) Used to be on slides: Rigor focuses on the process and product of learning A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Workshop series assignments Course outcomes plan and report – Step 1 (email to Tresha by Thursday April 17) Teaching and learning strategies work plan and report (1-2)* Classroom observation report (1-2)* Course outcomes plan and report – Step 2* * Email Tresha assignments 2-4 by June 30, 2014 AM A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Workshop series assignments Course outcomes plan and report – Step 1 (email to Tresha by Thursday April 17) Teaching and learning strategies work plan and report (1-2)* Classroom observation report (1-2)* Course outcomes plan and report – Step 2* * Email Tresha assignments 2-4 by June 30, 2014 AM A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)



Homework A. Readings: Designed breaks Classroom assessment techniques (CATs) …come to the next session prepared to identify/explain your favorite designed break or CAT B. Completed course outcomes plan and report – Step 1 (email to Tresha by Thursday April 17) TD A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Next session: Fri. April 18 at 1:30 pm in BKR 101 Learner-centered lectures and discussions TD A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)

Jason Babcock: Introduction to active learning Interim Director for the Learning Center 383-3099, Cascade 116 AM A thousand teachers, a thousand methods (Chinese proverb)